Wed. Night Study Group
Join Pastor Stanton and Pastor Karyn as they kick-off the Wednesday Night Stutesmandy Group with a look at Luther’s Small Catechism.
Baptismal Preparation
Contact the office to schedule: 608.783.2236 /
First Sunday High School Gathering
Small group for youth in high school. Parents/guardians help provide meals.
High School Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!
First’s Annual Tailgate & Appreciation Party
All members are invited to First’s Annual Meeting to look ahead at First’s ministries for the coming year.
OWLs Fly to Marriage of Figaro @ Viterbo
OWLs fly to Viterbo Theatre for musical, with dinner beforehand.
Parents' Night Out
An evening of fun for elementary kids and younger, and a relaxing night for the parent(s)!
Confirmation Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!
Elementary Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!
Mabel Anderson Scholarship Deadline
College scholarship for high school graduates who are members of First.
Palm Sunday Breakfast Fundraiser
Between services enjoy a Palm Sun breakfast, a fundraiser for youth participating in summer ministries.
New-Member Social
People who would like to become members of First are invited to this informal gathering, where you will get to know more about First and the staff in a relaxed atmosphere. Click here to reg & learn more.
Foundation Grant Deadline
The application window for the First Lutheran Foundation grant opens Jan 1 each year, and closes on June 1.
Confirmation Camp @ Sugar Creek
Confirmation Camp, for youth entering grade 8 in the fall.
High School Mission Trip @ North Carolina
Serving in western North Carolina, from July 25–Aug 3, for youth currently in grades 9–12
Middle School Mission Trip @ St. Louis
Serving in St. Louis, from July 27–Aug 1, for youth currently in grades 6–8
HS Sugar Creek Winter Fun Day!
High school youth are invited to the Winter Fun Day @ Sugar Creek!
Faith Alive! U: Weekend Workshops
Join others for an afternoon of exploring & learning about your faith.
Blue Christmas
Join us for a worship service including music, prayers, candlelight, & reflection on what God is up to amidst our blue feelings around Christmas.
Christmas Caroling
Hop on a bus and take a ride around Onalaska to visit and carol to those who need extra Christmas cheer!
Middle School Movie Night
WHERE: Fireside Room
Open to all middle school youth
Led by Madalyn Olson-Loomis
Middle Schoolers are invited for a movie and popcorn night in the Fireside room! You are welcome to bring pillows and blankets to get comfier if you would like!
Please email the middle school event coordinator, Madalyn, ( for any questions and to RSVP for this event!
Questions? Contact…
Onalaska Community Thanksgiving Dinner @ The Armory
Enjoy a meal, and/or help serve, 11am–2pm on Thanksgiving Day, at the Armory. Go to to volunteer!
Choir Practice for Thanksgiving Eve @ First
Be a part of this special group choir with Onalaska United Methodist.
Connecting with the Gospel of Luke
Connect with the Gospel of Luke in this short overview led by Pastor Karyn.
Election Day of Prayer
We invite all to practice their faith & citizenship by praying together on Election Day.
Elementary Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!
All Saints Worship
We honor our brothers & sisters in Christ who have gone before us during this special worship service.
Fall Festival
It’s time to fill our parking lot with trunks full of treats for neighborhood kids!
Lutheran Youth: Let’s Jump!
A synod-wide fellowship event at Jump Start for our youth, coordinated by La Crosse Area Synod LYLE committee.
Coulee Region Hunger Walk / Run / Bike
A relaxed 5K that raises money for local non-profits fighting hunger in our area.
Butter Braid Fundraiser
Fall fundraiser for youth going to camp & mission trip.
Middle & High School Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!
Sugar Creek 5K Fun Run/Walk
5K Fun Run/Walk at Sugar Creek supports summer ministries at the camp.
Food Basket Non-food Drive
Donation Drive for Non-food Items
The Onalaska-Holmen Food Basket provides lots of food to lots of people... people who also often struggle to buy non-food essentials. To help meet that need, First Lutheran will collect non-food items for the food basket for 2 weeks in September. You can start bringing donations to the church on Monday, Sept. 9, and we'll wrap up the drive on Sunday, Sept. 22. The food basket prefers items in small or medium sizes so that they can provide supplies to more families. For example, think about donating two small or medium size jugs of laundry detergent instead of one megasize jug.
Here are some ideas for what to donate:
Dish soap
All-purpose cleaners
Toilet bowl cleaners
Laundry detergent
Personal care items
Shampoo & conditioner
Body lotion
Paper towels
Toilet paper
Diapers sizes 4, 5 & 6
Adult diapers
Directory Update & Household Photos
Members: update your contact info in our online directory, and get a photo taken of your household!
Entering Middle School Milestone
For youth and their parents/guardians as they transition from elementary to middle school.
CANCELLED: Entering High School Milestone
For youth and their parents/guardians as they transition into high school.
Nosh with Neighbors: Pertzsch, Preschool & Headstart
Help provide a lunch to the staff of Pertzsch, First Preschool and UMC Head Start as they kick-off a new school year.
Sunday School Teacher & Volunteer Orientation
Orientation for Sunday School teachers & volunteers.
Sugar Creek Golf Tournament Fundraiser
The annual Sugar Creek fundraiser at Viroqua Hills Golf Course. Contact Sugar Creek directly for more info: 608.734.3113
Middle School Mission Trip @ Rapid City, SD
Serving in Rapid City, SD, July 21–26, for youth currently in grades 6 & 7