Upcoming Events
Our 5th graders learn about and prepare for the sacrament of communion in this Faith Building Block.
Join us for this special worship service throughout Lent, Wednesdays at 6:15pm
Join Pastor Stanton and Pastor Karyn as they kick-off the Wednesday Night Stutesmandy Group with a look at Luther’s Small Catechism.
Join Carla Stanton, certified spiritual director and mom of 3, in room 201 every Sunday, 9:15am while the kids are at Sunday School.
Graduates, you and your parents/guardians are invited to mark the milestone of your graduation at First.
College scholarship for high school graduates who are members of First.
An evening of fun for elementary kids and younger, and a relaxing night for the parent(s)!
The leadership of First want to hear your ideas about where God may be calling us in 2025 & beyond.
Between services enjoy a Palm Sun breakfast, a fundraiser for youth participating in summer ministries.
Join with others who have experienced loss, and receive support from one another. Every third Thursday.
Looking to sign up for something?
You can also try our Next Steps page for events and ministries that require a “next step” like an RSVP or registration
You might also want to check out our current Signup Genius pages.
Google Calendar
CR = Choir Room
FBB = Faith Building Block
FH = Fellowship Hall
FS = Fireside Room
NX = Narthex
SN = Sanctuary
TR = Thomas Room
UR = Upper Room
Click here to add our Google events calendar to your calendar (this will not include Sunday School, Confirmation, nor High School events; go to their respective web pages to subscribe to these calendars).
Lent small groups will meet once a week and together study Journeying Through Lent with Luke.