Confirmation ministry at First Lutheran is teen–relevant, age-appropriate, active, modern, and theologically sound.
We seek to take the faith given by God in baptism and nourish it in ways that our youth discover Faith Alive!
Register for Confirmation!
Register for Confirmation!
The registration form starts with questions about the “Registrant.” Registrant refers to the parent/guardian filling out the form, and is mainly used to determine where to send the confirmation email.
Confirmation students are referred to in the form as “Attendees,” and you can add as many students/attendees as you need.
If you are able, a suggested donation of $40/student greatly helps support our Confirmation ministry. Donations can now be made when you register online. You can do this by selecting a “ticket type” in the Attendee information. You will have the following options:
Registration (no cost)
Registration + Donation of $40/student - $40.00
The registration platform will issue you a “ticket,” but you can ignore the ticket; you will not need a ticket to participate in Confirmation! 😉 All are welcome!
Upcoming Events
Google Calendar
Confirmation Classes
for Grades 8–9
Confirmands in grades 8 and 9 are expected to attend three classes per year. Click here to sign up for a 2024-25 class.
Sign Up for
2024-25 Confirmation Classes
Confirmation Electives
Previous Confirmation Electives
Confirmation Timeline
This timeline is meant to describe the basic shape of the Confirmation Program.
Specific dates will be provided as events and milestones come closer.
Act I
Grade 6: Confirmation Bible Year.
Class on Sundays, 9:15amGrade 7: Confirmation Small Catechism Year.
Class on Sundays, 9:15am
In 6th and 7th grade, our kids meet on Sundays from 9:15–10:15am on the same schedule as our Sunday School. 6th grade is taught by lay leaders and is devoted to Bible stories. This is the time when kids get more deeply familiar with Biblical characters and the overall Biblical narrative from the creation story in Genesis to the new creation story in the gospels. The pastors will share teaching duties for 7th grade which will be devoted to the lessons of Luther’s Small Catechism.
Act II
Confirmation Camp at Sugar Creek
(summer between grades 7 & 8)Grades 8 & 9: worship together every Wednesday,
followed by small groups at 7pmAttend worship 30 times a year
Participate in small group every Wednesday from 7–8pm
Participate in at least 3 classes per semester
In 8th and 9th grade, our kids meet on Wednesdays for worship at 6:15pm, and then for small groups from 7–8pm. For these two years, confirmands meet in small groups every week to begin learning to receive the gift of Christian fellowship as they not only share and listen to each other’s highs and lows, but they will also use this time to process faith questions raised in workshops.
Grade 10: Faith Stories, Affirmation of Baptism Service
10th graders meet on Wednesdays from 7–8pm for six weeks in September and October, to create stoles, pick a scripture verse, prepare their faith story and be introduced to Peer Ministry. We will use the Wednesdays in September and early October to prepare for confirmation Sunday and to think about what happens next? (Peer Ministry, we hope! It’s their choice.)
Confirmation Downloads

“The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Opportunities for Service
Please choose between one and one hundred of these opportunities.
Let your guide or Pastor Stanton know you are interested and they will link you up.
Special Service Opportunities
Holy week creative team for worship planning (talk to Pastor Karyn if interested)
Sunday School assistant (talk to Pastor Stanton if interested)
Service Opportunities In the Community
Rotary Lights volunteer (this is fun with your small group or your family)
Many, many others…

Faith Stories
Every year our confirmands share their faith stories with their church family. Watch the most recent one here!
Between services enjoy a Palm Sun breakfast, a fundraiser for youth participating in summer ministries.