Changing lives for years…
Give Now
Support the ministries of
First Lutheran
and the wider church
It has become our tradition at First to challenge ourselves to do more. When we exceed the financial goals we set to cover First’s budget, we give gifts to groups like Hope Restores, the Reach Collaborative, The Hunger Task Force and Safer Families for Children… thanks to everyone who supports the mission here at First Lutheran.
In 2025, with increased giving of $30,000, we will make a $10,000 gift to Pathways Home, a $10,000 investment in our Dave & Terry Lee Youth and Family Ministry fund, and use $10,000 to support the first major initiative of our Caring for Creation Team.
In 2025, you are invited to increase your giving so that First Lutheran can once again not only meet the needs of everyday ministry, but also be able to generously support important work locally and globally.
Online Giving
First wants to make supporting our mission easy for members. That's why we are happy to offer the ability to manage your giving online. Giving online is easy, secure and allows you to set up automatic recurring contributions and view your complete online giving history from anywhere you have access to the Internet.
Simply click on the “Give here” button above to get started!
📌 If you set up Simply Giving before November, 2015, via a paper form from the church office, you will need to cancel this method of giving before you create an online account. Please contact the church office by email or call 608.783.2236 (during office hours, 8am–4pm M–F) in order to cancel your current Simply Giving withdrawals so that you can set up Simply Giving online.
Changing Your Giving
One of the benefits of setting up scheduled automatic giving is that you can make changes at any time—whether it be the amount, frequency or date—from any phone or computer, without having to contact the church. But it might not seem straightforward.
THE BASIC METHOD IS THIS: you need to delete your old reoccurring transaction, and then add a new giving transaction that has the changes you desire to your basket.
The steps in the expandable block below are provided to help with that (these assume you already have signed up for a giving account and have given in the past):
Click on the Give Now button above
Login to your profile
On a phone press the “hamburger” button (3 lines menu button) in the upper right and select Login
On a computer the login link is in the upper right; once logged in, click the Profile link in the upper right
To view your scheduled transactions or your history of transactions…
On a phone press the “hamburger” button in the upper right and select Transactions
On a computer click the Transactions link in the left-hand menu
The scheduled transactions will have a link to Cancel; click on it and confirm the cancellation.
Once the old reoccurring transaction is cancelled, press the Home link to add new reoccurring giving to your basket.
Frequently Asked Questions
To do that you will need to delete your previous giving (the option to cancel a transaction is under Transactions > Scheduled), and then create new scheduled giving (press the Home link and add a new giving transaction to your basket).
To do that, you will need to add two transactions to your basket. NOTE: As of 2024, we currently do not have a capital campaign to direct gifts to.
Give by Text
You can make a contribution to First Lutheran with a quick text message.
Simply send a text to 608.422.4771 with the amount you would like to contribute. Make sure to include the dollar sign before the amount (example: $25).
Within a few minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or debit card information.
Once your registration is complete, you will receive a text verification and a receipt via email.
For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give and it will process automatically; no need to enter card information and register a second time!
Charges are not sent to your mobile provider, but to the credit card that you set up during the one-time registration process that follows your first give by text.
Assist or #Assist: Sends instructions to the donor via text.
Edit or #Edit: Allows donors to edit their name, payment method, address and email.
Repeat or #Repeat: after you've made a donation to make it recurring
Schedule or #Schedule: to set up a recurring donation if you have yet to make a donation via Give by Text
Questions about your giving and/or quarterly and annual statements?
You can view that by logging into your giving account or by logging into our online directory.
But you can also contact Tamara Schonsberg, our Office Manager, at office@firstlu.org or 608.783.2236.
Questions regarding how online giving and giving by text works?
Contact our webmaster, Andy Stutesman, at andy@firstlu.org.