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Parent Share on Sunday Mornings

Parent Share

  • WHEN: weekly on Sunday mornings at 9:15am

  • WHERE: Upper Room

  • Open to all parents & guardians

  • Led by Carla Stanton

As people of God we know that the children God has entrusted us to raise are precious gifts. We also know that we do not HAVE to raise them but instead are CALLED to raise little people in this time and place. How are we giving and receiving support to each other as we answer this call?

The basis for First Lutheran’s Parent Share is simple. As parents we all have shared experiences of joy and frustration. There is no one person who holds all the answers for ‘perfect’ parenting. Instead God has given us the gift of community. When we come together over a cup of coffee and agree to set aside our judgments, open our hearts and share our learned wisdom we will experience the Holy Spirit’s guiding hand in this journey we call parenting.

There is no lesson plan, agenda or curriculum. For our parent share, we will simply come together to pray and talk about raising our children faithfully.

Join Carla Stanton, certified spiritual director and mom of three, in room 201 every Sunday, 9:15-10:15am while the kids are at Sunday School. The nursery is available, too, for all the pre-Sunday school aged kids.

Questions about Parent Share? Reach out to Carla Stanton…

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