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High School Mission Trip @ North Carolina

  • Asheville, North Carolina United States (map)

High School Mission Trip to

Provide Hurricane Relief 

In the wake of Hurricane Helene, Lutheran Disaster Response, in cooperation with Luther Ridge and Luther Rock Bible camps in western North Carolina (Asheville area) will assemble and host groups at these camps throughout the summer of 2025 to continue the cleanup work that needs to be done. 

🗎 Check out this PDF flyer for some additional basic info.


  • Hurricane Helene Relief (Asheville, NC area)

  • Dates: Friday, July 25 - Sunday, August 3, 2025

    • Friday 7/25 - Sunday 7/27 are travel days likely including adventure in the Smoky Mountains.

    • Sunday 7/27- Wednesday 7/30 are work days around Luther Rock Camp in Western North Carolina

    • Thursday 7/31 is an adventure day at Luther Rock Camp

    • Friday 8/1 - Sunday 8/3 are travel days that may include a stop on the way home for fun in ___ ? The group will figure it out.

  • Total cost (approximated): $1,200


Fundraising opportunities…

High school youth have several fundraising opportunities to help reduce mission trip costs…

A long tradition…

First Lutheran has a long tradition of summer servant trips for youth and adults alike! The servant trips this summer are built on trips taken over the past several years...

  • In 2008 youth in grades 6-12 served in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina

  • In 2009 three trips originated from First Lutheran:

    • Middle school served in the Twin Cities of Minnesota.

    • High school went to the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, Louisiana. These youth participated with over 36,000 other high school youth to help get New Orleans back on her feet after Hurricane Katrina.

    • An age diverse group of adults and youth served in Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota

  • In 2010 our middle school youth served in St. Louis, Missouri and our high school youth served in Birmingham, Alabama.

  • In 2011 our middle school youth served in Duluth, MN and our high school youth served in Washington D.C.

  • In 2012 our middle school youth served in Chicago, IL and our high school youth joined ELCA youth from all over the country at the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans, LA.

  • In 2014 the middle school youth served in Cincinnati, Ohio and our high school youth served in Pine Ridge, South Dakota.

  • In 2015 our middle school youth served in Louisville, KY, and our high school youth headed to Detroit for the National Youth Gathering.

  • In 2016 we had three trips: our middle school youth served in the Quad Cities of Iowa, and our high school youth served in Cortez, CO and Mingo County in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia.

  • In 2017 our middle school youth served in Kansas City, MO, and our high school youth served at the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota.

  • In 2018 our middle school youth served in Indianapolis and our high school youth joined ELCA youth from all over the country at the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, TX. 

  • In 2019 our middle school youth served in Duluth, MN and our high school youth served in San Francisco, CA.

  • In 2020 our middle and high school trip to Niagara Falls was cancelled due to COVID.

  • In 2022 our middle and high school youth served in Bayou Le Batre, AL.

  • In 2024 our middle school youth served in Rapid City, SD. Our high school youth headed to New Orleans for the ELCA Youth Gathering.

Servant hearts have been opened on these trips. Lives have been changed. Our church is changing as a result. Come serve with us at First Lutheran in Onalaska!

Questions about the trip? Connect with Pastor Stanton…

June 1

Foundation Grant Deadline

July 27

Middle School Mission Trip @ St. Louis