Sunshine Team
Meeting 1st Thur of every month at 9:30am, to help with odd jobs around First

Parents' Night Out
An evening of fun for elementary kids and younger, and a relaxing night for the parent(s)!

Volunteer Work Weekend @ First
Great opportunity to make First look nice!

Palm Sunday Breakfast Fundraiser
Between services enjoy a Palm Sun breakfast, a fundraiser for youth participating in summer ministries.

Justice & Peace Stations of the Cross
Join with others from the community for this prayer walk, Good Friday, 10am

High School Mission Trip @ North Carolina
Serving in western North Carolina, from July 25–Aug 3, for youth currently in grades 9–12

Middle School Mission Trip @ St. Louis
Serving in St. Louis, from July 27–Aug 1, for youth currently in grades 6–8

Vacation Bible School
Plan ahead to be here for Vacation Bible School this summer!

Christmas Caroling
Hop on a bus and take a ride around Onalaska to visit and carol to those who need extra Christmas cheer!

Onalaska Community Thanksgiving Dinner @ The Armory
Enjoy a meal, and/or help serve, 11am–2pm on Thanksgiving Day, at the Armory. Go to www.octd.org to volunteer!

Choir Practice for Thanksgiving Eve @ First
Be a part of this special group choir with Onalaska United Methodist.

Fall Festival
It’s time to fill our parking lot with trunks full of treats for neighborhood kids!

Volunteer Work Weekend @ First
Great opportunity to make First look nice!

Coulee Region Hunger Walk / Run / Bike
A relaxed 5K that raises money for local non-profits fighting hunger in our area.

Food Basket Non-food Drive
Donation Drive for Non-food Items
The Onalaska-Holmen Food Basket provides lots of food to lots of people... people who also often struggle to buy non-food essentials. To help meet that need, First Lutheran will collect non-food items for the food basket for 2 weeks in September. You can start bringing donations to the church on Monday, Sept. 9, and we'll wrap up the drive on Sunday, Sept. 22. The food basket prefers items in small or medium sizes so that they can provide supplies to more families. For example, think about donating two small or medium size jugs of laundry detergent instead of one megasize jug.
Here are some ideas for what to donate:
Dish soap
All-purpose cleaners
Toilet bowl cleaners
Laundry detergent
Personal care items
Shampoo & conditioner
Body lotion
Paper towels
Toilet paper
Diapers sizes 4, 5 & 6
Adult diapers

Nosh with Neighbors: Pertzsch, Preschool & Headstart
Help provide a lunch to the staff of Pertzsch, First Preschool and UMC Head Start as they kick-off a new school year.

Volunteer Appreciation Picnic
Celebrating everyone at First who helps bring Faith Alive!

Volunteer Work Weekend @ Sugar Creek
Help make Sugar Creek Bible Camp ready for summer camp season.

Choir Practice for Easter Sunday
Sign up to be a part of the choir that performs on Easter Sunday!

Choir Practice for Palm Sunday
Sign up to be a part of the choir that performs on Palm Sunday!

Choir Practice for Christmas Eve
Sign up to be a part of the choir that performs on Christmas Eve.

Choir Practice for Thanksgiving Eve @ Onalaska UMC
Be a part of this special group choir with Onalaska United Methodist.

Choir Practice for All Saints Sunday
Be a part of the choir that uplifts spirits on All Saints Sunday!

Stephen Ministry Informational Meeting
Want to know more about Stephen Ministry or how to become a Stephen Minister? Join us at this informational meeting!

Parents' Night Out & Christmas Cookie Decorating!
An evening of fun for elementary kids & younger, & an opportunity for parents to get in some Christmas shopping!

CANCELLED: Caring Ministries Info Meeting / Orientation
If a Caring Ministry sparks in you and you want to know more info, come to this info/orientation meeting.

Middle & High School Mission Trip to Bayou Le Batre, Alabama
Mission trip for middle and high school youth.

Shoe Drive
Purchase new athletic shoes for First Teen Clothes Closet, so youth have nice shoes for the start of school.