Lenten Devotions & Small Groups
Lent small groups will meet once a week and together study Journeying Through Lent with Luke.

Graduation Milestone & Recognition Dinner
Graduates, you and your parents/guardians are invited to mark the milestone of your graduation at First.

Mabel Anderson Scholarship Deadline
College scholarship for high school graduates who are members of First.

Wed. Night Study Group
Join Pastor Stanton and Pastor Karyn as for a Wednesday Night Study Group.

Sunshine Team
Meeting 1st Thur of every month at 9:30am, to help with odd jobs around First

Volunteer Work Weekend @ First
Great opportunity to make First look nice!

Baptismal Preparation
Contact the office to schedule: 608.783.2236 / office@firstlu.org

First Sunday High School Gathering
Small group for youth in high school. Parents/guardians help provide meals.

Cottage Meeting
The leadership of First want to hear your ideas about where God may be calling us in 2025 & beyond.

Palm Sunday Breakfast Fundraiser
Between services enjoy a Palm Sun breakfast, a fundraiser for youth participating in summer ministries.

Grief Support Group
Join with others who have experienced loss, and receive support from one another. Every third Thursday.

Chicken Dinner Fundraiser
Fundraiser for youth ministries, and an easy meal for your home!

New-Member Social
People who would like to become members of First are invited to this informal gathering, where you will get to know more about First and the staff in a relaxed atmosphere. Click here to reg & learn more.

Foundation Estate Planning Dinner
If you are considering/reviewing an estate plan, this dinner is for you!

Blessing Graduates
We invite our graduates and their families to worship, for a special blessing in celebration of this milestone.

Confirmation Celebration
A time of fellowship for confirmation students, parents/guardians & small group guides.

Peer Ministry Commissioning
Celebrating the youth who worked to become better ministers to their peers.

Foundation Grant Deadline
The application window for the First Lutheran Foundation grant opens Jan 1 each year, and closes on June 1.

Vacation Bible School
Plan ahead to be here for Vacation Bible School this summer!

Elementary Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!

OWLs Fly to hear Celtic Stories & Song @ Pump House
The OWLs (our Older Wiser Lutherans at First Lutheran, for anyone 55+) will fly to the Pumphouse to hear Celtic Stories and Song.

Confirmation Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!

Ash Wednesday Worship
Join us for worship on Ash Wednesday, both in-person and at 1stlu.org/live.

Faith Webs Game Day!
Faith Web households are invited to get together, for fun, lunch & company over a couple of games.

Foundation Grant Survey Deadline
The application window for the First Lutheran Foundation grant opens Jan 1 each year, and closes on June 1.

Wartburg Kantorei & Bell Choir Concert
Wartburg’s chapel choir, Kantorei, is a mixed ensemble, performing a variety of sacred music.

OWLs Fly to Marriage of Figaro @ Viterbo
OWLs fly to Viterbo Theatre for musical, with dinner beforehand.

First’s Annual Tailgate & Appreciation Party
All members are invited to First’s Annual Meeting to look ahead at First’s ministries for the coming year.

HS Sugar Creek Winter Fun Day!
High school youth are invited to the Winter Fun Day @ Sugar Creek!

Faith Alive! U: Weekend Workshops
Join others for an afternoon of exploring & learning about your faith.

Faith Building Block: Grade 2—What's Fair
Our 2nd graders learn about God’s love and “What’s Fair” in this Faith Building Block.

Sunday School Christmas Worship
It is a wonderful time of year and a great way for our kids to spread their Christmas joy!

OWLs Christmas Potluck
The social event of the season is the World-Famous OWLs Christmas Party!

Middle School Movie Night
WHERE: Fireside Room
Open to all middle school youth
Led by Madalyn Olson-Loomis
Middle Schoolers are invited for a movie and popcorn night in the Fireside room! You are welcome to bring pillows and blankets to get comfier if you would like!
Please email the middle school event coordinator, Madalyn, (madalyn@firstlu.org) for any questions and to RSVP for this event!
Questions? Contact…

High School Mission Trip Info Meeting
Learn more about the 2025 High School mission trip to NC.

Connecting with the Gospel of Luke
Connect with the Gospel of Luke in this short overview led by Pastor Karyn.