Parents' Night Out
An evening of fun for elementary kids and younger, and a relaxing night for the parent(s)!

Palm Sunday Breakfast Fundraiser
Between services enjoy a Palm Sun breakfast, a fundraiser for youth participating in summer ministries.

Chicken Dinner Fundraiser
Fundraiser for youth ministries, and an easy meal for your home!

Vacation Bible School
Plan ahead to be here for Vacation Bible School this summer!

Elementary Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!

Christmas Cookie Decorating
Decorating Christmas cookies together, in the Fellowship Hall.

Advent Around the Table
Join us for this intergenerational event, to grow in our faith as we begin the Advent season.

Elementary Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!

Faith Web Fall Meet-up
Meet everyone in your Faith Web and trade contact info!

Fall Festival
It’s time to fill our parking lot with trunks full of treats for neighborhood kids!

Butter Braid Fundraiser
Fall fundraiser for youth going to camp & mission trip.

Blessing Backpacks & Devices/Students & Staff
Join us for a blessing to start the school year, for all students & staff, K–college.

Faith Web March Meet-up
We’re hosting the next Faith Web meet-up on Sunday, Mar. 3, between services, in the sanctuary:
elementary kids meet their supporting households from 9–9:15am
middle school/high school kids meet their supporting households 10:15–10:30am
Questions about Faith Webs? Stop by the Faith Webs table in the narthex after worship!

Play Days @ Sugar Creek!
We all need more play days! Join us for some fun at our camp!

Parents' Night Out & Christmas Cookie Decorating!
An evening of fun for elementary kids & younger, & an opportunity for parents to get in some Christmas shopping!

Sugar Creek Explorer Day
Young Youth will be attending Sugar Creek’s Explorer Camp, Mon, June 24!

Sabbatical Together: Pottery Night
Get creative with ceramics on Tues, Sept 18, 6-9pm, at All Glazed Up

Young Youth Flashlight Bibles!
Young Youth event on Sun, Nov 12! Grades K–2: 6–7pm and Grades 3–5: 7–8pm

Young Youth & Younger Easter Egg Hunt
Join us on Palm Sunday, March 20 from 11:45am–12:45pm for an Easter egg hunt and fun!

Young Youth Volunteers at Humane Society
Young Youth volunteering at the Humane Society on Tues., Nov. 22, 4–5pm.

Sugar Creek Praise Band Family Concert at English Lutheran
Saturday, July 16, from 3-5pm at English Lutheran, 1509 King St, La Crosse.

Young Youth at Hidden Trails Corn Maze
The young youth will be venturing to Hidden Trails Corn Maze on October 10, from 3-6pm.

Lost & Found Concert
Lost and Found, performing live at Riverside Park on Friday, June 12, 7pm.
Young Youth Volunteering at Onalaska Care Center
We'll meet at church at 6:00 pm to create pictures and cards for the residents. Then from 6:45-7:30 pm we'll be at the Onalaska Care Center visiting with the residents, reading them books, and playing games. Katie will need help transporting children from the church to the Care Center so please let her know if you'll be available to help with the driving. Hope to see you all at this rewarding event!

Holy Communion Instruction
Holy Communion instruction is the 5th grade milestone, but all the baptized (of any age) are welcome to commune. If your child is baptized but younger than 5th grade and you wish to allow your child to commune, please attend a special instruction time as a family Saturday, December 13 at 1:30pm. It will last an hour.
Young Youth Gathering!
We will be meeting at the church house for outdoor fun (weather permitting) or for a game night. It will take place May 22nd from 5:30-7:30. Come ready to have fun!!