Filtering by: “Sunday School”

Faith Web March Meet-up

Faith Web March Meet-up

We’re hosting the next Faith Web meet-up on Sunday, Mar. 3, between services, in the sanctuary:

  • elementary kids meet their supporting households from 9–9:15am

  • middle school/high school kids meet their supporting households 10:15–10:30am

Questions about Faith Webs? Stop by the Faith Webs table in the narthex after worship!

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Meet Your Faith Web!

Meet Your Faith Web!

We’re hosting the first Faith Web introduction events on Sunday, Oct. 15 (and a backup time on Sunday, Oct. 22 if you don't connect during the first one) between services, in the sanctuary:

  • elementary kids meet their supporting households from 9–9:15am

  • middle school/high school kids meet their supporting households 10:15–10:30am 

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Holy Communion Instruction

Holy Communion Instruction

Holy Communion instruction is the 5th grade milestone, but all the baptized (of any age) are welcome to commune. If your child is baptized but younger than 5th grade and you wish to allow your child to commune, please attend a special instruction time as a family Saturday, December 13 at 1:30pmIt will last an hour. 

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