Chicken Dinner Fundraiser
Fundraiser for youth ministries, and an easy meal for your home!

Vacation Bible School
Plan ahead to be here for Vacation Bible School this summer!

Luther College Collegiate Chorale Concert
Luther College Collegiate Chorale concert at First; free and open to the public.

Financial Peace University
Nine week course starts Feb 11, from 6-7:30pm at First Lutheran!

La Crosse Chamber Chorale
A performance by the La Crosse Chamber Chorale. Ticket available online.

Juneteenth Motorcade Celebration
Motorcade to celebrate the Liberation of Black people in America, Sat Jun 20, 5pm starting at Poage Park

Enduring Families Project Self-Guided Tour
Sat June 20, 2-4pm, starting at Black River Beach House

Discussion of Just Mercy
Movie discussion about Just Mercy via Zoom, Sat Jun 20, noon-1pm

Free Screening of Just Mercy
Free screening of Just Mercy at the Rivoli, Fri Jun 19, 6:30pm. Also available to rent online for free during June.

Before the After
Eliminate possible tough decisions for your loved ones after you are gone. Begin your planning on Wed, Feb 21, 12:45pm, at First.

Dipped Strawberries Class
Dipped strawberries with Laura’s Baking Delights, Mon, Feb 12, 6–8pm.

Walk for Water at Valley View Mall
Come to the mall March 11 anytime between 10am and 3pm to walk the "Walk for Water" course that youth experienced at the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering!
Social Media and Faith
Sunday, Feb 26, 9:15am in the sanctuary. Hailie Meyer is back to discuss (as she would say) “the dangers of #TWERKING and tweeting about it.” This class IS OPEN TO ALL. Invite friends & family; this is not to be missed.

Fields of Faith
Field of Faith for Onalaska youth, Wed., Oct. 12, 7pm, at the Onalaska High School football field.
Sugar Creek Praise Band Family Concert at English Lutheran
Saturday, July 16, from 3-5pm at English Lutheran, 1509 King St, La Crosse.

Lost & Found Concert
Lost and Found, performing live at Riverside Park on Friday, June 12, 7pm.

Nicholas Handahl & Bobby Levinger Recital
Sons of First Lutheran, Nicholas Handahl and Bobby Levinger, return to First Lutheran to perform together on Sunday, June 7, at 5pm.

Family Comedy Pillow Fight Night!
A little stand-up comedy mixes with practical parenting in this lightning fast evening of fun and learning. Thursday, April 16, 6:30–8pm, with supper at 5:30pm, at First Lutheran.
Fair Trade Fair
On Sunday, November 30th between services First will be hosting a fair trade fair, where there will be special fair trade gifts for sale, which will benefit the artisans directly.

Peace in the Middle East Lecture Series: Daoud Nassar
Daoud will be sharing his story at UWL's Centennial Hall, in room 1309, on Tuesday, October 28th at 4pm.

Toni Groshek CD Release Concert
Worship song leader Toni Groshek of La Crosse will perform songs from her debut album, “Red Light — Green Light,” at a CD release concert at 7pm Sunday, July 27, at Olivet Lutheran Church on French Island. The concert is free; CDs will be available for purchase for $10.
Recital Featuring Clara Knutson
Clara Knutson will be having her senior voice and piano recital at First on Monday, May 26 (Memorial Day) at 1pm. Everyone is invited!
Striving for Justice and Peace in the Middle East Lecture Series
Striving for Justice and Peace in the Middle East Lecture Series
Sat, April 26, 9:30AM – 4PM
At First Lutheran Church
More info and registration at the La Crosse Area Synod Website.

Luther College Orchestra Performance
The Luther College Orchestra will be in concert on Sunday, March 30th at 4:00pm, at the Onalaska High School Auditorium.