Graduation Milestone & Recognition Dinner
Graduates, you and your parents/guardians are invited to mark the milestone of your graduation at First.

Parents' Night Out
An evening of fun for elementary kids and younger, and a relaxing night for the parent(s)!

Volunteer Work Weekend @ First
Great opportunity to make First look nice!

First Sunday High School Gathering
Small group for youth in high school. Parents/guardians help provide meals.

Palm Sunday Breakfast Fundraiser
Between services enjoy a Palm Sun breakfast, a fundraiser for youth participating in summer ministries.

Faith Story Dinner Theater
Join us for a family favorite worship service of fellowship and favorite Bible stories.

Chicken Dinner Fundraiser
Fundraiser for youth ministries, and an easy meal for your home!

Blessing Graduates
We invite our graduates and their families to worship, for a special blessing in celebration of this milestone.

Peer Ministry Commissioning
Celebrating the youth who worked to become better ministers to their peers.

High School Mission Trip @ North Carolina
Serving in western North Carolina, from July 25–Aug 3, for youth currently in grades 9–12

Middle School Mission Trip @ St. Louis
Serving in St. Louis, from July 27–Aug 1, for youth currently in grades 6–8

Vacation Bible School
Plan ahead to be here for Vacation Bible School this summer!

Elementary Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!

Confirmation Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!

High School Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!

Sunday School Christmas Worship
It is a wonderful time of year and a great way for our kids to spread their Christmas joy!

Christmas Cookie Decorating
Decorating Christmas cookies together, in the Fellowship Hall.

Middle School Movie Night
WHERE: Fireside Room
Open to all middle school youth
Led by Madalyn Olson-Loomis
Middle Schoolers are invited for a movie and popcorn night in the Fireside room! You are welcome to bring pillows and blankets to get comfier if you would like!
Please email the middle school event coordinator, Madalyn, (madalyn@firstlu.org) for any questions and to RSVP for this event!
Questions? Contact…

High School Mission Trip Info Meeting
Learn more about the 2025 High School mission trip to NC.

Advent Around the Table
Join us for this intergenerational event, to grow in our faith as we begin the Advent season.

High School Shopping
High school youth group will do a little shopping together in Rochester, MN.

Elementary Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!

Faith Web Fall Meet-up
Meet everyone in your Faith Web and trade contact info!

Fall Festival
It’s time to fill our parking lot with trunks full of treats for neighborhood kids!

Volunteer Work Weekend @ First
Great opportunity to make First look nice!

Lutheran Youth: Let’s Jump!
A synod-wide fellowship event at Jump Start for our youth, coordinated by La Crosse Area Synod LYLE committee.

Butter Braid Fundraiser
Fall fundraiser for youth going to camp & mission trip.

Middle & High School Retreat @ Sugar Creek
Experience how to connect with the living God at Sugar Creek!

First Day of Sunday School!
Reg your children, get more info, meet the teachers, & get the ball rolling!

CANCELLED: First Fest Dinner Theater
Join us for the First Fest version of our Dinner Theater!

Entering Middle School Milestone
For youth and their parents/guardians as they transition from elementary to middle school.

CANCELLED: Entering High School Milestone
For youth and their parents/guardians as they transition into high school.

Middle School Mission Trip @ Rapid City, SD
Serving in Rapid City, SD, July 21–26, for youth currently in grades 6 & 7

ELCA Youth Gathering 2024 @ New Orleans
The next gathering will be July 16–20, 2024 in New Orleans!

Pre-Gathering Gathering
Gathering together with other church’s in our synod, in preparation for the ELCA Gathering.

Faith Web March Meet-up
We’re hosting the next Faith Web meet-up on Sunday, Mar. 3, between services, in the sanctuary:
elementary kids meet their supporting households from 9–9:15am
middle school/high school kids meet their supporting households 10:15–10:30am
Questions about Faith Webs? Stop by the Faith Webs table in the narthex after worship!

Play Days @ Sugar Creek!
We all need more play days! Join us for some fun at our camp!