Wednesday Evening Worship
In-person worship on Wednesdays at 6:15pm, and also live streamed.

Holden Evening Prayer
Join us for this special worship service throughout Lent, Wednesdays at 6:15pm

Palm Sunday
Join us for Palm Sun worship, as we begin Christ’s path to the cross during Holy Week.
Holy Week Worship Mon–Wed
Holy Week starts with worship Mon–Wed, 6:15pm, at 1stlu.org/live

Maundy Thursday Worship
Join us for Maundy Thursday worship, in-person & at 1stlu.org/live

Faith Story Dinner Theater
Join us for a family favorite worship service of fellowship and favorite Bible stories.

Ash Wednesday Worship
Join us for worship on Ash Wednesday, both in-person and at 1stlu.org/live.

Blue Christmas
Join us for a worship service including music, prayers, candlelight, & reflection on what God is up to amidst our blue feelings around Christmas.

Sunday School Christmas Worship
It is a wonderful time of year and a great way for our kids to spread their Christmas joy!

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Worship @ First
Join us for an ecumenical worship service at First, Thanksgiving Eve at 6:30pm.

Election Day of Prayer
We invite all to practice their faith & citizenship by praying together on Election Day.

All Saints Worship
We honor our brothers & sisters in Christ who have gone before us during this special worship service.

Affirmation of Baptism
We give thanks for the gift of baptism & for the confirmands who make public affirmation of their baptism.

Worship @ Riverside & Synod-Wide Picnic
Our second worship service will be at Riverside Park at 10am, with the entire La Crosse Area Synod!

Ecumenical Thanksgiving Eve Worship @ Onalaska United Methodist
Ecumenical worship service at Onalaska United Methodist on Thanksgiving Eve.

Interfaith Ukraine Prayer Vigil at First Congregational
Prayer vigil for Ukraine at First Congregational Church.

150th Celebration • Reformation Sunday
Join us for a special worship service on Reformation Sunday to hear a message from Bishop Malpica

Drive-In Worship: Sunday at 10:30am
Drive-in worship on Sundays at 10:30am. Sign-up required.