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Blessing Graduates

  • WHAT: Blessing our graduates

  • FOR: Graduates and their parents/guardians

  • WHEN: At the following worship services…

    • 6:15pm, Wednesday worship, May 7, 2025

    • Both services, Sunday worship, May 1, 2025

Graduates and families: During worship our graduates will be invited to come forward, where you will be gifted and blessed for whatever is to come in the days, months and years ahead. We invite you and your family to attend worship one of these times because the congregation ❤️❤️LOVES❤️❤️ to congratulate you, hear where you’re going, and what you’re doing next.

Also for seniors…

Please share a senior picture with us for our grad board in the narthex!

We are happy to display a wallet size (preferable) or the next size up. Simply drop off a picture in the office during the week or on a Sunday morning as soon as works best for you. The congregation wants to celebrate and share prayers for the graduate!

May 4

Foundation Estate Planning Dinner

May 14

Confirmation Celebration