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Mabel Anderson Scholarship Deadline

Applications for the Mabel Anderson Scholarship need to be turned in by April 1, 2025. High school graduates who are members of First are eligible to apply for the scholarship, which is meant to help with post-secondary education costs.

Recipients are notified in the spring. The check is sent directly to the post-secondary educational institution after the recipients notify the church office with the name of the college, the university, the technical school or the educational institution where they are registered to attend by August 15. Usually, more than one recipient is chosen. The amount of the scholarship may vary from year to year; 2018 recipients received $300 each.

Access the scholarship information and form using the button above. For more information contact the church office at or 608.783.2236.


The Mabel Anderson Scholarship was established from a generous bequest received from the estate of Mabel Anderson between 1989 and 1991. Miss Anderson was a lifelong member of First Lutheran Church before her death on December 2, 1989, at the age of 90.


  • Confirmed member of a Lutheran church.

  • Active member of First Lutheran Church.

  • High school graduate (or its equivalent), planning to pursue post-secondary education.

March 30

Graduation Milestone & Recognition Dinner

April 3

Sunshine Team