Sign Up for Choir
Christmas Eve Services, 2pm & 4pm
If you’ve ever wanted to sing in the choir but were concerned about the time commitment, here is your opportunity to get involved!
Practicing for the 2 and 4pm worship services on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24.
Dec. 6: 7–8pm, Practice
Dec. 13: 7:15–8:15 pm, Practice
Dec. 20: 7–8pm, Practice
Dec. 24: 2pm & 4pm, Christmas Eve Services (Warm-Up at 1:30 pm)
If needed, child care will be made available (just indicate this need on the sign-up form linked above).
The Senior Choir is open to all people ages 14 and up. View the full schedule of all performances here.. There is no audition and no formal training required, just a desire to enhance worship through the beauty of music! And the time commitment is just for the one performance (not the entire year).
Other dates when practice starts
For more information…
Please contact our choir director, Todd Saner, using the form below…