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OWLs Fly to Norskedalen

  • Norskedalen Nature & Heritage Center N455 O Ophus Rd Coon Valley WI 54623 USA (map)

April was great, but May is going to be fantastic. We will begin the month with an outing to Norskedalen. We will meet at the church at 10:30 AM on Wednesday, May 3 to begin this grand adventure. From there we will travel to Westby, Wisconsin for lunch at Borgens Café which serves excellent Norwegian and American food. Then it is on to Norskedalen which is rich in natural beauty and diversity, encompassing about 400 acres of scenic coulee (valley) along Poplar Creek. We will begin our tour at the Thrune Visitors’ Center with hands-on nature exhibits, Heritage Room displays and an introductory video explaining the history and mission of Norskedalen. From there we will have a guided tour of the Bekkum Pioneer Log Homestead which displays the Norwegian heritage of our region in buildings and artifacts. We should be back to the church before 4pm. Cost of the tour is $5.50. Lunch is on your own. We need to give the restaurant a head count. Please call (608-526-9700) or email Brian by Monday night, May 1st if you are planning on attending.

Cover image by Randen Pederson
April 21

Luther College Cathedral Choir

May 15

Funeral for Steve Fuhrman