Community Outreach Action Team
Plentiful research states that thriving Christian congregations have a variety of robust opportunities for community service. When the congregation created the strategic plan in 2015, the growth of our community service efforts was named as a primary initiative.
Clothes Closet Update for December 2016
What is our most precious resource? The thing we all wish we had more of, to use, to share with our families and to give to others?
Surely, it is time. While we guard our time closely and feel we never have enough of it, it is when we give that time that we receive the most back. Volunteers who have given their time to serve as hosts for the First Teen Clothes Closet recently shared the moments of time when they were able to see and feel how this ministry is about so much more than clothes.
Message from Pastor Stanton for December 2016
Look what we did! (And look at what we do… and what we plan on doing!) In November, the La Crosse Area Synod hosted an event: “The Generosity Jubilee”. For a year and a half, about a dozen congregations of our synod have done work toward developing more thoughtful ways of growing our stewardship, and this Jubilee was the final celebration. There, we heard from Rev. (and stewardship guru) Chick Lane who wrote a great little book called, “Ask, Thank, Tell.” He says developing a generous congregation has everything to do with these three words. People give when they are ASKed. THANKing is essential, too. And once people’s gifts have been given, we need to TELL the stories of how their support is making a difference.
Message from Pastor Karyn for December 2016
By the time you are reading this, Advent will have started. You may have noticed that the church is festooned in blue, that there is a big wreath with candles at the front of the church and we have changed the musical setting of our liturgy. It is quite possible that our worship has a different rhythm to it, too. This first season of the church year often gets lost in the craziness of the holidays and yet, I have grown to appreciate the ways it calls me to slow down, to be still and to ponder what it means to have God with us.
God's Hands & Feet
This time of the year is when many of us open our homes to family and friends. I love hosting Thanksgiving. Opening my house to loved ones is a great joy for me. The smell of a turkey roasting, making the whole house smell so good and knowing our guests will be arriving soon brings me happiness. Greeting family as they come into the door, helping them with the food they brought, getting everything ready to sit down and share a meal together is a wonderful feeling. It’s also fun to go to someone else’s house, where you are greeted warmly. I always seem to find myself helping in the kitchen. That’s just my thing; give me something to help with and I am happy. Welcoming others and being welcomed is a wonderful privilege to do and to have done to you. That is what we want to accomplish here at First Lutheran.
OWLS Post for December 2016
November was a fun month for the OWLs. We began with Friday Night at the Movies. A fun-loving group of 22 headed to the local cinema for viewing the action thriller “Inferno”. We followed this with a wonderful fish fry dinner. A great time was had by all. Based on feedback from the group we will have another movie outing in the new year.
Purple Caps for Prevention
People who knit or crochet are asked to make and donate purple baby caps for an informational campaign in eastern Wisconsin to prevent infant abuse.
Announcements for Sunday, November 20
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Announcements for Sunday, November 6
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Update from Pastor Stanton for November 2016
How much time do you waste in worry? It’s one thing to be concerned with something. To care so much about something or someone that you engage yourself out of concern seems Christ-like to me. But worry is something different. Concern breeds engagement. Worry breeds anxiety and fear.
Contrasting needs for Clothes Closet
Our biggest requests this month for items at the First Teen Clothes Closet may seem at odds with each other: winter coats and athletic shorts. Here’s why both are needed…
Helpful Welcoming
As I was in Office Depot this past summer, I just needed some time to look and think about a project I was working on. Unfortunately, the people working were very helpful and almost every aisle I went down someone asked me if I needed help. Usually I like being asked if I need help because I usually do need help, but not this time. This time I just wanted to be by myself to think and work things out in my mind without interruptions. This may be what it is like for our visitors; they may not want a bunch of information or handouts. Sometimes all they want is one or two of their questions answered.
OWLs Post for November 2016
October was an enjoyable month for the OWLs. After a foggy ride to Sugar Creek to attend Yesterday’s Youth, we had a nice program and a great lunch. The ride back along the river was beautiful. Our potluck was well attended with a very interesting presentation from Skip Temte on his cruise ship experiences and his most recent trip to Alaska.