Announcements for Sunday, Feb 9 2025
INSIDE: Annual Tailgate & Appreciation Party • High School Super Bowling
Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits
First is collecting school supplies for Lutheran World Relief personal care kits, which we will assemble as part of Vacation Bible School in Aug. Bring donations to the altar before/after worship or during offering. For more information contact Bridget Crave.
A Guide to Zoom
Many of our Lenten small groups finished discussing Waking Up White via Zoom meetings and our year round groups, staff meetings and Vision & Leadership meetings are all happening utilizing Zoom. It’s so important to stay connected with others while we are staying safe at home. I encourage you to give it a try.
Staying Connected
Many Lent small groups connected over the internet the last half of March using a group conferencing software called Zoom. The first week my small group connected, you could feel the relief and joy everyone in the group felt at seeing each other’s faces and hearing everyone’s voice. As you have probably figured out by now, being able to connect with others, even if not physically, is good for heart and soul…
Blessings to Mike Peper
Mike’s official last day serving First is Dec. 31. Hopefully, I’ll have a couple opportunities to say this in person for myself, but I hope all our members and friends of First Lutheran make time to thank Mike for his 14 years of faithful service. He and his wife, Mary, look forward to spending even more time with their beloved grandkids, and who can blame them? May God bless them for many years to come! Happy retirement, Mike!