A Guide to Zoom

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Many of our Lenten small groups finished discussing Waking Up White via Zoom meetings and our year round groups, staff meetings and Vision & Leadership meetings are all happening utilizing Zoom. It’s so important to stay connected with others while we are staying safe at home. I encourage you to give it a try.

Zoom is a two way video conferencing system where you can both see and hear the people you are talking with. You can use your smart cell phone, tablet or computer. If you don’t have a smartphone, you can still connect over the phone, but you won’t be able to see everyone in the group. The organizer of the meeting will send a meeting link to the participants, as well as a phone number for folks who want to dial in. When you click on the link, you will be asked to allow Zoom to open, then you will be in the meeting. If you dial into the meeting with your phone, you will be asked to enter the meeting ID number, then you will be in the meeting.

Anyone can set up a Zoom meeting for free and the meeting can last up to 40 minutes. The church has a paid account which we use for our small groups, etc. which generally go longer than the 40 minutes. Give it a try! If you are interested in having a Zoom meeting with your “church people,” contact bridget@firstlu.org to get connected. If you are interested in using Zoom to interact with family and friends and need help, you can contact Bridget as well.


COVID-19 Update for May 8, 2020


Virtual Springfest Has Begun!