Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave

Small Group Update for September 2015

You’re probably familiar with this scenario: you’re at the doctor’s office and she is reviewing with you a diagnosis and plan of treatment for whatever brought you there. You’re following most of what she’s saying, but from time to time there are terms that escape your. You know she’s using medical lingo, but because you trust your doctor you’re not too concerned. Still, it’s never fun feeling like you don’t fully understand what’s going on, especially when it comes to your health.

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Newsletter Article Member of First Lutheran Newsletter Article Member of First Lutheran

First Teen Clothes Closet Update for September 2015

Many people may think of the clothes closet as blessing its clients simply through giving them needed clothing. But our hosts have also seen clients blessed by being able to give back. One such client, a 20-year-old woman, visited the closet in search of black pants and a black shirt. Caught in a catch-22, she was starting a new job in which that wardrobe was required, but until she had worked and gotten a paycheck, she couldn’t afford the new clothes. While we were able to bless her with the simple things she needed to start her new job, she in turn blessed the clothes closet by donating other items of clothing from her wardrobe and offering to use some of her new income to purchase undergarments for the closet.

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Veteran’s Struggles and Small Groups

Have you ever noticed the different ways one gathers strength to endure those struggles that pop up in life? It may be the quiet of a starry night. It may the freshness of the air in the fall as you hear a breeze gently blowing through the leaves. It may be the presence one feels as they read a book, listen to music or contemplate a piece of art. It may be the rippling of the water as the children play close by. I do these things, but the most important thing that I do to find that inner strength, the energy, the peace to do the thing that I do, is to connect with other people. I have a true story to tell.

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Newsletter Article, Young Youth Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article, Young Youth Andrew Stutesman

Young Youth Update for September 2015

I hope you all had a wonderful summer and found God’s blessings surrounding you in all that you did. As we enter into a new school year we welcome new friends as well as old and look for new adventures where we can blossom in God’s word. Some of our activities for the year will be new. You can be assured that the favorites will remain however: movie night, Sugar Creek Winter fun days, Sugar Creek summer camp, cookie decorating, etc.

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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for September 2015

We got things warmed up in August, and the fun will continue in September. We will start the month with our potluck on Wednesday, September 16, at noon. But take note!!! To change things up a bit, we will have the potluck at Mary and Brian Narveson’s house. We are hoping for a warm fall day where everyone can gather on the deck for fresh air and fun. In case of bad weather, we will gather in the house. Our program will be musical games. 

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message From Pastor Stanton for August 2015

Day One: “Welcome to Detroit!” was the refrain we heard throughout the day from EVERYone, and the city seems genuinely excited about the arrival of over 30,000 ELCA youth and adult leaders. First Lutheran gathered at 4:00 AM for a journey that would begin a bit later than expected, but we eventually made up time. Our bus drivers, Jay and Deborah got us to Milwaukee and then to Detroit safely. So… Let me get to the fun stuff!...

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Serve & Give Member of First Lutheran Serve & Give Member of First Lutheran

First Teen Clothes Closet Update for August 2015

First Clothes Closet has had another productive month of providing needed clothing and toiletries for our teenage guests. Volunteers at the closet have begun to bring our guest’s prayer requests to our pastors so the whole church can pray for their needs together. Volunteers are also inviting our guests to participate in First Lutheran teen activities and will provide information about our upcoming events....

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