Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave

Small Group Update for August 2015

We read in the Bible that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move a mountain (Matthew 17:20). Mustard seeds are tiny, but when nurtured—just like our faith—they can grow into something hardy. Something strong. Something that will flourish in all kinds of places, at all different times. Isn’t that what we aspire to have? Likely you have observed a person and thought, wow, their faith is so strong. I hope I have faith like that one day. In my former job, I was a little bit famous for saying “hope is not a strategy.” You won’t nurture and grow your faith just by hoping for it. It takes intentional action to nurture your faith....

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Serve & Give, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Serve & Give, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Thanks to God

During last year’s volunteer picnic, the hamburger patties and chicken were cooking on the grill, root beer floats were being served up by our own Pastor Karyn, and everyone was enjoying fellowship with one another. It was a perfect day to grill out and come together to show our thanks for all the hard work our congregation does throughout the year. This annual event is the staff’s way to say thank you for all the help we receive. We rely on so many people to help the ongoing ministries happen, and everyone’s help in needed in small and big ways to keep Faith Alive here at First....

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Newsletter Article, Middle School, High School, Email Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article, Middle School, High School, Email Andrew Stutesman

Meet Tina!

Hi everyone! My name is Tina Nelson and I just recently got hired as the new Director of Discipleship of Youth. I am from Rapid City, South Dakota and graduated from the University of South Dakota this past May. I have been working in camping ministry for over 9 years now. I started in Custer, SD at a Lutheran camp called Outlaw Ranch, and after five years decided to change to Sugar Creek Bible Camp in Ferryville, WI for a new challenge. I have had so many amazing experiences over the past four years there as a High School Village Leader. I am so very passionate about working with young adults and helping them to learn their own unique gifts and callings. I love the outdoors and connecting with God through adventures with youth in His creation. This job is such a blessing to me and I can’t wait to get to know all of you and share my passions!

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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for August 2015

The OWLs took the month of July off for vacation travel, family gatherings and summer fun. Hope everyone had a great July. At the end of June our monthly outing took us to Elmer’s Auto and Toy Museum in Fountain City. We had a great day looking at beautiful classic cars and a fantastic toy collection with what has to be one of the largest collections of pedal cars in the country. The museum and ice cream at the Narveson’s made for a great day. 

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