OWLs Post for August 2015

The OWLs took the month of July off for vacation travel, family gatherings and summer fun. Hope everyone had a great July. At the end of June our monthly outing took us to Elmer’s Auto and Toy Museum in Fountain City. We had a great day looking at beautiful classic cars and a fantastic toy collection with what has to be one of the largest collections of pedal cars in the country. The museum and ice cream at the Narveson’s made for a great day. A few photos are shown here including Brian in the OWLs shirt given to him by Nancy and Gloria.

After taking July off, the OWLs will get into full swing in August. Our next meeting will be our August potluck on Wednesday, August 5 at noon. Cody Rickway, from Thrivent, will talk to us about fraud protection and prevention. Save the date in your calendar because it is earlier than our usual potluck date. We will meet in the fellowship hall so Cody can use the projector.

The OWLs have established a great tradition of attending the Commonweal Theatre in Lanesboro, Minnesota, each August. So no matter how hot it is outside, we will enjoy a cool and comfortable venue. This year, we will see the comedy “Charley’s Aunt”. The laughter knows no end in this play, widely considered one of the most sensational comedies of all time. Oxford students Jack and Charley can’t court their sweethearts without a chaperone. Charley’s aunt is on her way from Brazil and will fit the bill—until her arrival is delayed! Whatever will the boys do to keep their dates? Join us for a night of laughter and find out what they do. The date of this great excursion in Thursday, August 27. Before the play, we will dine at a local establishment known for its good food and service. We will meet at the church at 4pm to travel to Lanesboro. The afternoon drive along the Root River to Lanesboro is an added treat. Cost of the play is $35 with a discount if we get more than 15 people. Please notify Brian Narveson (owls@firstlu.org or 608.526.9700) by Tuesday night, August 25, if you plan to attend. You can pay Brian for the tickets the night of the event. Hope to see everyone in August.

The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. For information or to ask questions, contact Brian Narveson at owls@firstlu.org.

Brian Narveson
Volunteer leader of the OWLs, a small group at First Lutheran for those 55+.

Meet Tina!


Prayers for All On The Mission Trip