Sunday School Update for September 2015

Sunday school Rally Day is just around the corner!!

Sunday school at First Lutheran kicks off with “Rally Day” on First Fest Sunday, August 30th, from 9:15 to 10:15 in the narthex. There will not be Sunday school class this day, however parents and kids are encouraged to come register, see their classrooms, meet their teachers and receive their registration packets.

Sunday school teachers are still needed.

Make a difference in the life of our youth, be a Sunday school teacher or helper. Our Spark program helps to make this a wonderful and doable experience! If you are interested or have questions and have not yet been contacted, click here to contact Sheri Betz and Tawni O’Rouke.

The first day of Sunday school class is Sunday, September 13!

We are looking forward to a great year of faith building with all of you!!

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

3 new people needed for Visioning & Leadership


Announcements for Sunday, August 23