Synod Assembly Response to ELCA Campaign

The ELCA has been promoting Always Being Made New: The Campaign since its inauguration at the 2013 Churchwide Assembly. At our 2014 Synod Assembly we voted to "affirm and commit" to participation in the campaign, but our 2015 Assembly took us one step further.

From a synod member of the Synod ELCA Campaign Task Force, Peter Petersilie:
"At the 2015 Synod Assembly we passed Resolution #3 for the ELCA Campaign - Always Being Made New. I have agreed to help promote this campaign because God has blessed me with so much. How can I share what I have with others? I feel this ELCA campaign is a good way to make some extra gifts do something more. Yes, there may be some things that aren't as important to me, but there are far more that make me so proud to be a member of this church. We are doing so much already and I want to help us do more. Please take some time to find out about the campaign. Then please consider an over and above gift this year to help these ministries. This year's focus is on New Congregations, Renewing Congregations and Disability Ministries."
Gifts are welcomed through your congregational offering—with "Campaign for the ELCA" in the memo line, mailed directly to the synod office (2301 South Ave, La Crosse 54601) or online at the ELCA Campaign web page.

See what's already been done in The Campaign for the ELCA 2014 Report.

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Sympathy to the family and friends of Carol Temte


Announcements for Sunday, August 9