Prayers for Aliyah Richling as she begins a year of mission work in Hungary

Beginning in August of 2015 Aliyah Richling,a member here at First Lutheran, will join 75 other YAGMs (Young Adults in Global Mission) as they are sent off to various locations around the globe for their year of mission work. Aliyah will be making her new home in Békéscsaba, Hungary, and will be working in parish/music ministry and ministering to the Roma people. 

With a total cost of approx. $11,000, Aliyah has made a commitment to raise $4,000 herself and the ELCA seeks sponsors for the remaining $7,000. Please consider supporting Aliyah on her yearlong journey:

  • By check: make payable to "First Lutheran" with "Aliyah Richling" in the memo line. These can be sent to the church office or placed in First's offering plate.
  • By credit or debit card: Call 800-638-3522 and specify “Aliyah Richling GCS3163”.

We will miss her singing during worship, and lift up prayers for her travels and her ministry in Hungary! Watch for updates from Aliyah during her time in Hungary! 

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Announcements for Sunday, August 16


Wednesday worship time changing to 6:15pm on Sept 2