Announcements for Sunday, August 28
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Announcements for Sunday, August 21
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Announcements for Sunday, August 14
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Announcements for Sunday, August 7
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Remember the Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy
Every August my family starts making choices about time. Schedules for the upcoming school year get formed based on school, work and social calendars. When will the Spring recital be? On what day of the week does Christmas Eve fall this year? How do I keep from working more than 3 nights a week? As parents, Carla and I begin by sorting through the necessities of our work schedules; and continuing education dates; and special retreats or family/work celebrations at which one of us needs to be present. Then, we sit the kids down and ask them to prioritize their desired activities. Dance, football, swimming, karate, volleyball and gymnastics will begin the conversation that will lead to band, choir, orchestra, basketball, soccer, baseball and other clubs they may want to do. As we sort through their greatest desires for activities, we will ask questions like, “How will you get to this or that activity? How much does it cost? Can we make this happen for you and you and you?” But will we remember the Sabbath? Will we honor God’s desire for us to rest?
One week to Vacation Bible School! Donations & helpers needed!
Less than a week until Vacation Bible School, starting on Sunday, August 7 and running through Thursday, August 11; 5–8pm each night. Come join in the fun! Register online!
Message From Pastor Karyn for August 2016
I have often marveled at what a small group of dedicated, prayerful people can do for the life of a faith community. The congregation where I grew up had a prayer chain, of how many people I don’t know, but the people I knew that dedicated time each day to pray for the concerns of our church and people were all people that I have sought to emulate as I walk the path of a follower of Jesus. I consider Jane, who was nearly 100 years old when she died. Jane was one of the first people I knew to be on Facebook and Twitter, which she used to keep up with all the people she prayed for. She continually inquired about my life as I made my way through college and seminary and then first call, and I KNEW that everything I told her about would be lifted in prayer daily. She was the first prayer warrior I knew, and I always have her in mind when I talk about prayer.
Junk Drawer
I loved my grandparents’ junk drawer; it had an old pair of scissors, rubber bands that usually were so old they broke, bread ties galore, plus a small hammer among other things. Every house has a junk drawer, usually in the kitchen. Ours is, but maybe yours is in the laundry room, or mud room. It’s filled with things you don’t use very often, like bag ties, screwdriver, both flat head and phillips, a hammer, nails, screws, which my husband has in baby food jars, koozies, rubber bands, an odd button, a broken part of a toy, among others things. We are very fortunate to live where we have a surplus and our needs are easily supplied. We know that others are not so fortunate and live in places where daily needs are not met and where sending your child to school, can’t be done without the supplies needed.
Sunday School Update for August 2016
Thank you for the overwhelming response to the call for Sunday School teachers! We have all the teachers spots filled! Yahoo! If you are interested in being on the sub list, let us know! We are still looking for some extra help in the musical opening for K-5th. If you are interested in getting the kiddos excited and organized to worship through music contact us!
OWLs Post for August 2016
The OWLs took the month of July off but finished June with a picnic and rousing game of Kubb at the Narveson’ s. Kubb is a fun Scandinavian lawn game of opposing teams throwing sticks to knock the opposing team’s pieces down. Very basic, but much harder than you think.
August will begin with our monthly potluck on Wednesday, August 10 at noon in the narthex. This is one week earlier than usual, so please mark your calendars.
Announcements for Sunday, July 31
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Donate tools to the West Virginia mission trip!
The following mission trip donations will all go towards serving the community and complete construction projects…
Announcements for Sunday, July 17
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Announcements for Sunday, July 10
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