Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message From Pastor Stanton for April 2015

Since I was ordained in July of 2003 I have talked about sex more than I expected. In 2001 our voting members at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly adopted two resolutions:

  1. to study homosexuality with reference to two issues: the blessing of same-sex unions and the ordination, consecration and commissioning of people in committed same-sex unions and…
  2. to develop a social statement on sexuality.

Our churchwide study and discernment continued for eight years. A Task Force was formed who took their responsibility very seriously and devoted hundreds if not thousands of hours to their task in an effort to fairly represent the perspectives of a five million member Church.

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Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz

Message from Pastor Karyn for April 2015

I have been thinking about connections a lot lately. How relationships form, how faith grows and how God is tied to it all.

A month ago, a group of women gathered at Sugar Creek to talk about vocation. Sounds like a pretty dry topic and yet, through worship, conversation, sharing, learning, dancing and silence connections were made with one another and God and this seemingly dry topic became a dynamic vehicle of connection.

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Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave

Small Group Ministry Update

The story of Jesus doesn’t end with his death and resurrection. It continues in the lives of those who believe in him. Now that Lent is over and we have celebrated Easter, how will God continue to live in you?

If you were in a Lenten small group, you might be thinking, that was interesting and I’m enjoying getting to know these people. What’s next? Or, maybe you weren’t in a small group during Lent, but have been wondering what being part of a small group is all about. Maybe this is the time to dip your toe in the waters of a small group.

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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for April 2015

The OWLs March began with an exciting trip to the International Festival of Owls in Houston, Minnesota. Many of us got up early on a Saturday morning to experience a day of owls. We saw a very interesting program featuring a number of live rescue owls, learned about the owl art now on display around the town of Houston. Had an owl-themed lunch, saw a video on the Italian owls festival and bought owl souvenirs. You could easily say the day was a hoot….

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton


For what reason would God choose to be born as one of us just to suffer and die on a cross? He deserves none of the punishment you see on the Isaiah 53 column. And we deserve none of the rewards you see on the New Testament text column. To what purpose?…

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