LED Light Bulb Project

Recently the First Lutheran Women’s Group gave $2,200 from their funds to replace all of the sanctuary incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs. The 71 bulbs consumed 9,000 watts while the new ones will use 975 watts, which means that we will save 8 kilowatts. Using one of our recent Xcel Energy bills we have figured that we will save $535 on our future electric bills each year. The savings will pay for the new bulbs in approximately 4 years. After that the savings will mean more money in our pocket.

The new bulbs will produce more light with less heat and they will last much longer. Thank you First Lutheran Women’s Group for paying for this sanctuary light bulb project.
Last year the bulbs over the choir loft and all of the exterior lights were replaced with LED bulbs. The lounge area in the narthex will get LEDs this spring, and we are looking into using LEDs in the fourteen narthex lights rather than replacing the lights.

All of these bulbs qualify for a rebate from Focus On Energy.

This entire bulb replacement project will help us make a smaller carbon foot print as we try to make our buildings more energy efficient.

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Small Group Ministry Update


OWLs Post for April 2015