Small Group Ministry Update

The story of Jesus doesn’t end with his death and resurrection. It continues in the lives of those who believe in him. Now that Lent is over and we have celebrated Easter, how will God continue to live in you?

If you were in a Lenten small group, you might be thinking, that was interesting and I’m enjoying getting to know these people. What’s next? Or, maybe you weren’t in a small group during Lent, but have been wondering what being part of a small group is all about. Maybe this is the time to dip your toe in the waters of a small group.

Six-week small group sessions are starting the week after Easter, the week starting April 12, and run through the week before Memorial Day. If you are interested in joining a group, there are several options available for study. You can continue with Holy Reading (Lectio Devina) with the weekly readings, or choose a study called A Journey, an inside look at the parable of the Good Samaritan. This study requires 20-30 minutes of preparation outside of the group meeting time.

As Director of Small Group Ministry I am researching and collecting other small group studies that may be of interest to you. I have gotten input from some members, but if you have specific interests or topics you would like to have available to study with a group, please let me know. I am happy to discuss your hopes and needs for a small group.


Newsletter for April


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