The Welcome Zone

Construction zones almost always try my patience. I diligently get in the correct lane, as soon as I see the sign and try to wait patiently. Almost always, though, there is someone who drives past all who are waiting, and not slowly, of course. When they get to the front of the line, then they slow down and turn their signal on, waiting for someone to let them in line. Just once I would love for them not to be able to get in line, but someone always lets them in, like me, because my conscious wouldn’t let me not do it. Sometimes it feels like a construction zone here for our visitors waiting patiently until someone welcomes them. If they are not welcomed, many will just leave thinking we are an unfriendly church. I have been told that several times in the past year, and it breaks my heart. I cannot talk to everyone by myself, before or after worship, so people get missed.…

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OWLs, Newsletter Article Brian Narveson OWLs, Newsletter Article Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for March 2015

The OWLs are a hearty bunch. In spite of subzero temperature, we gathered for our potluck on Ash Wednesday. Thanks to everyone who brought extra food to help feed the mid-day worshipers. After a fantastic lunch, we had a fun time learning about each other’s heritage. We found a great number of us are from Norwegian descent, but we also have a few Germans and some from England. A great time was had by all… just see the photos on the left!

For March we hope for warmer weather as we leave the confines of La Crosse for our outing. We will travel to Houston, Minnesota, on Saturday, March 7, to visit the International Owls Festival. 

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message From Pastor Stanton for February 2015

Last fall First Lutheran published a long-range Strategic Plan, set to begin January 1, 2015. In response to the plan, we have already hired Bridget Crave as our Director of Small Groups and Aliyah Richling as our Children’s Choir Director. A full time Youth Director position has been approved by our Finance Team (they believe we can afford it) and also by our Vision & Leadership Team (they agree that the vision for the congregation includes this position). A job description is almost complete, and we will begin searching in earnest by February 1. Other goals for this first quarter of 2015 include recruiting a Stewardship Action Team, a Community Outreach Action Team and Sanctuary Players—who are willing to do dramatic readings and skits in worship. In the second quarter of this year we hope to recruit Worship Directors, establish Hospitality Action Teams, recruit a Worship Action Team and create a Welcome Basket Team

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Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz

Message From Pastor Karyn for February 2015

It seems like just yesterday that the Christmas decorations were put away and life got back to “normal”. It hardly seems possible that Lent and Easter are just a few weeks away. And yet, here we are again, getting ready to enter into the time of the year that calls us first to examine our own lives and sin and need for God and then to rejoice again in being saved by God through the death and resurrection of Jesus from our sin. All year, we have been focused outward as we consider how we can be of service to others but Lent calls us to spend some time looking inward. I sometimes consider this time of year the time for Christians to consider what needs to be changed in their lives, instead of the beginning of the new year. We don’t, however, stay in this inwardly gazing mode for long, but are called to acts of service and love. We once again dedicate ourselves to the disciplines of a follower of Christ: study, prayer, worship, giving and acts of service.

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Helping Hearts

Some people have helping hearts. My friend loves to do just that; she helps people in her work, here at church, in our small group and with her family. She does it with a wonderful attitude of “what can I do for you.” She often reminds me that she is here to help out; all I have to do is ask. However, not everyone is so willing to help. Some will say “I’ve helped enough; do not ask me to help again for the rest of the month,” or “did it once and I won’t do it again.” I’ve had people tell me they won’t do something and others seek me out to ask me if they can help. I know not everyone can be like those who want to always help, but let’s not be so eager to say “no.” Before you say “no” when asked to do something, please thoughtfully consider before responding.

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Newsletter Article, Sunday School Sunday School Superintendents Newsletter Article, Sunday School Sunday School Superintendents

Sunday School Update for February 2015

Thank you!... 

Thank you to all of our kids, teachers, opening leaders and volunteers who help each and every week to make Sunday school a success.

February Calendar includes:

  • February 8th: 
    4-year-old stepping stone

  • February 15th: 
    4-year-old stepping stone
    Sugar Creek Sunday

  • February 22nd: 
    4-year-old stepping stone during worship
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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Posting for February 2015

In spite of cold and snow the OWLs had a very enjoyable January. Our outing to the Johnsmith concert at the Pump House preceded by dinner at the Waterford provided much warmth, laughter and good music during our Friday Night Out. Our potluck with speaker Rob Wessler presenting his experiences in China was fun and informative.

In February our theme will be history and heritage. Our first event is our potluck which will be on Ash Wednesday, February 18 at noon in the narthex. As we have done in the past we will provide lunch to Lenten worshipers after the morning service. Please bring some extra food to share. For our program we will once again turn to ourselves and have an opportunity to get to know each other better through our stories. Our theme is history and heritage. We all come from different backgrounds and national heritages. Please come prepared to tell a little about yourself and your family heritage. Each person will have about five minutes to share memories, show family artifacts or simply tell a story about their youth or ancestors. If you know some of your family genealogy and would like to share, that is fine too. As always, you can sit and listen if you prefer not to share.

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