Helping Hearts
Some people have helping hearts. My friend loves to do just that; she helps people in her work, here at church, in our small group and with her family. She does it with a wonderful attitude of “what can I do for you.” She often reminds me that she is here to help out; all I have to do is ask. However, not everyone is so willing to help. Some will say “I’ve helped enough; do not ask me to help again for the rest of the month,” or “did it once and I won’t do it again.” I’ve had people tell me they won’t do something and others seek me out to ask me if they can help. I know not everyone can be like those who want to always help, but let’s not be so eager to say “no.” Before you say “no” when asked to do something, please thoughtfully consider before responding.
“…So again, please, before saying “no,” really think and pray about it before you answer.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to share with your family
and friends how blessed you were when you helped out?”
In January, I was blessed to give a blessing to every member of the congregation who came through my line. It wasn’t hard to do; I said the same blessing the whole time. It was a wonderful feeling blessing others with a few simple words from our baptism. I felt so blessed after doing this and wondered why anyone would give up the chance to do this, but people did. I don’t want anyone to go unblessed because they didn’t help out when asked, so again, please, before saying “no,” really think and pray about it before you answer. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to share with your family and friends how blessed you were when you helped out? So many times, I have had people come up to me after helping with worship or in some other way and said they were blessed to be able to do what they did.
As Lent begins at the end of this month with suppers and worship on Wednesdays, may each of you decide to help out in some way. Usher or read on a Wednesday or during Holy Week, be a small group leader or participate in a small group. Bring food for the suppers or treats on Sundays. There are so many ways to help. I thank God with my whole heart for all those who stand up and help out, as Psalm 9:1 says, “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” I have the privilege to thank God with my whole heart for all his wonderful deeds. I can tell others how God provides here at church and for myself. I hope and pray that each one of us can tell others of the wonderful deeds done here at church and what God has done.