Veteran’s Struggles and Small Groups

Have you ever noticed the different ways one gathers strength to endure those struggles that pop up in life? It may be the quiet of a starry night. It may the freshness of the air in the fall as you hear a breeze gently blowing through the leaves. It may be the presence one feels as they read a book, listen to music or contemplate a piece of art. It may be the rippling of the water as the children play close by. I do these things, but the most important thing that I do to find that inner strength, the energy, the peace to do the thing that I do, is to connect with other people. I have a true story to tell.

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Newsletter Article, Young Youth Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article, Young Youth Andrew Stutesman

Young Youth Update for September 2015

I hope you all had a wonderful summer and found God’s blessings surrounding you in all that you did. As we enter into a new school year we welcome new friends as well as old and look for new adventures where we can blossom in God’s word. Some of our activities for the year will be new. You can be assured that the favorites will remain however: movie night, Sugar Creek Winter fun days, Sugar Creek summer camp, cookie decorating, etc.

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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for September 2015

We got things warmed up in August, and the fun will continue in September. We will start the month with our potluck on Wednesday, September 16, at noon. But take note!!! To change things up a bit, we will have the potluck at Mary and Brian Narveson’s house. We are hoping for a warm fall day where everyone can gather on the deck for fresh air and fun. In case of bad weather, we will gather in the house. Our program will be musical games. 

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message From Pastor Stanton for August 2015

Day One: “Welcome to Detroit!” was the refrain we heard throughout the day from EVERYone, and the city seems genuinely excited about the arrival of over 30,000 ELCA youth and adult leaders. First Lutheran gathered at 4:00 AM for a journey that would begin a bit later than expected, but we eventually made up time. Our bus drivers, Jay and Deborah got us to Milwaukee and then to Detroit safely. So… Let me get to the fun stuff!...

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Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave

Small Group Update for August 2015

We read in the Bible that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move a mountain (Matthew 17:20). Mustard seeds are tiny, but when nurtured—just like our faith—they can grow into something hardy. Something strong. Something that will flourish in all kinds of places, at all different times. Isn’t that what we aspire to have? Likely you have observed a person and thought, wow, their faith is so strong. I hope I have faith like that one day. In my former job, I was a little bit famous for saying “hope is not a strategy.” You won’t nurture and grow your faith just by hoping for it. It takes intentional action to nurture your faith....

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Meet Tina!

Hi everyone! My name is Tina Nelson and I just recently got hired as the new Director of Discipleship of Youth. I am from Rapid City, South Dakota and graduated from the University of South Dakota this past May. I have been working in camping ministry for over 9 years now. I started in Custer, SD at a Lutheran camp called Outlaw Ranch, and after five years decided to change to Sugar Creek Bible Camp in Ferryville, WI for a new challenge. I have had so many amazing experiences over the past four years there as a High School Village Leader. I am so very passionate about working with young adults and helping them to learn their own unique gifts and callings. I love the outdoors and connecting with God through adventures with youth in His creation. This job is such a blessing to me and I can’t wait to get to know all of you and share my passions!

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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for August 2015

The OWLs took the month of July off for vacation travel, family gatherings and summer fun. Hope everyone had a great July. At the end of June our monthly outing took us to Elmer’s Auto and Toy Museum in Fountain City. We had a great day looking at beautiful classic cars and a fantastic toy collection with what has to be one of the largest collections of pedal cars in the country. The museum and ice cream at the Narveson’s made for a great day. 

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message From Pastor Stanton for July 2015

A couple years ago, my wife Carla and I hosted a guest from out of town on behalf of the church. We went out for a drink to get to know each other a little better and the conversation went to, “where did you go to college?” I shared that I went to Augsburg College in Minneapolis. Her response was, “that place is expensive!” I didn’t want to come across as a rich kid who was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, so I explained, “well, I won a scholarship there that paid for most of my expenses, so I couldn’t refuse.” Her response was, “Oh, white privilege at its best.” To put it mildly, that upset me. I remember thinking, “I worked hard throughout high school… I earned that scholarship!” She dropped it, but God has kept that accusation tucked tightly into the back of my head....

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Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz

Message From Pastor Karyn for July 2015

I first became acquainted with Ben Larson at a pastor’s event where he, along with three friends, led the music and worship. I never knew Ben well personally, but knew him to be a kind and generous person who had a talent when it came to music. Over the years there were many opportunities to be led in song and worship by this quartet of talented people and to learn some of the music Ben had composed. All of us who knew Ben and his family grieved deeply when Ben died. So when his parents, Judd and April, approached us about this project they were working on to honor Ben and the music he composed, we chose to participate....

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Called to Freedom

The fourth of July is a fun family holiday, The kids get to play with fire, worried parents get to watch and almost everyone loves the fireworks display of brilliant colors. People are wearing red, white and blue, having family picnics and going early to get their favorite spot to watch the fireworks. We have a wonderful way to celebrate our freedom...

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Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave

Digging Deeper

I just spent a wonderful Father’s Day at the home of my brother Tom and his wife. Two of their adult children were there as well as my dad, mom and my sister. While I always enjoy coming together with my family, usually I leave the gathering thinking it was nice to see everyone, but I really don’t have a good feel for how things are going in their lives. You see, I have five brothers and one sister and when the whole family gets together, there are 43 of us. That’s a lot of people to talk to, it’s kind of loud and if it’s Christmas, there are gifts to open too. It’s pretty tough to have a meaningful conversation that digs deep and helps to get to know each other better....

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Veteran's Ministry Update for July 2015

Memorial Day weekend, Pentecost Sunday I was given the honor of announcing the initiation of the Veterans Ministry and First Lutheran’s partnership with Wesleyan Methodist Church in La Crosse. In attempting to demonstrate the connection we all have with veterans, I asked the congregation to stand if they were a veteran, a spouse of a veteran, related to a veteran, were a friend of a veteran or knew a veteran. As I looked out upon them all, almost the entire congregation was standing. “Look around you.” I said. “Whether this is our church or a national stadium somewhere, the result would be the same…"

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Newsletter Article, Young Youth Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article, Young Youth Andrew Stutesman

Young Youth Update for July 2015

What a beautiful year of service. The young youth did a fantastic job of displaying how wonderfully they can embrace the theme of the church with their own gifts! I thoroughly enjoyed watching these children bring smiles to the people around them as they served and followed the word of the bible. Now it is our time to rest and energize ourselves for the upcoming year and all the fun and opportunities that it may bring. There will be a kick off potluck get together in September. Date, time and location are yet to be determined. Until then enjoy all the blessings that God may provide for you this summer. Treasure the memories, opportunities, sun and freedom that you may encounter with the changing of the school year and the busy schedules of summer.

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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for July 2015

May and June were great fun for the OWLs. Our May trip on the Winona Trolley and visit to Pickwick Mill was fun and educational for all. The photos were taken at Pickwick Mill, one of the oldest surviving flour mills in Minnesota. The water wheel really works!

The OWLs will be taking July off for vacation fun and summer outings. Our next meeting will be our August Potluck on Wednesday, August 5th at noon.

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message from Pastor Stanton for June 2015

As we make our way into summer at First Lutheran, the garden has been planted, which will eventually provide fresh produce for the local food basket. A robust veterans’ ministry is underway among us, which had its first success story in May when a veteran in need came for a handout but received far more support than he could have hoped for: a new ID was arranged, his food supply was secured, his debts were organized and his benefits were confirmed. Our Teen Clothes Closet is preparing to re-launch as posters, leaflets and lots of other publicity will invite area teens in need to worry about one less thing as they can come to our house and see what clothes they like. In July our middle schoolers will be sent on a mission trip to Louisville, KY, while the high schoolers make their way to Detroit for the National Youth Gathering. Our parents will continue sharing stories and wisdom through ParentShare as their kids will take a break from regular Sunday School, but still have the opportunity to learn about God through VeggieTales. In August we will recognize our volunteers, and we’ll explore Everest for Vacation Bible School. 

And yet with all that we are planning for and with all that God has in store for us throughout the summer, I feel it is necessary to offer attention and further explanation to the decision our Vision & Leadership Team made in May to permit same-gender weddings at First Lutheran. 

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Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz

Message From Pastor Karyn for June 2015

Last month I shared with you some reflections on one of my favorite paintings: Jackson Pollock’s Greyed Rainbow. What at first glance looks like a violent mess of black and white actually hides the colors of the rainbow. This particular painting has become incredibly meaningful to me as I make my way through this life, endeavoring to be faithful to my God because it speaks a truth about this life that is sometimes hard to admit.

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