OWLs Post for July 2015

May and June were great fun for the OWLs. Our May trip on the Winona Trolley and visit to Pickwick Mill was fun and educational for all. The photos were taken at Pickwick Mill, one of the oldest surviving flour mills in Minnesota. The water wheel really works!

The OWLs will be taking July off for vacation fun and summer outings. Our next meeting will be our August Potluck on Wednesday, August 5th at noon. Our program will be Cody Rickway from Thrivent who will talk to us about fraud protection and prevention. Save the date in your calendar because it is earlier than our usual potluck date.

The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. For information or to ask questions, contact Brian Narveson.

Brian Narveson
Volunteer leader of the OWLs, a small group at First Lutheran for those 55+.

Young Youth Update for July 2015


Announcements for Sunday, June 28