Announcements, Events, Synod Update, Sign-Up, Email Andrew Stutesman Announcements, Events, Synod Update, Sign-Up, Email Andrew Stutesman

ALTERNATIVE PILGRIMAGE: Trip to the Holy Land for Young Adults


Trip to the Holy Land for Young Adults

WHENJan. 9-19, 2015 
WHO: Young Adults 18-30 years old
WHAT: Visit sites around Jerusalem and seek to build relationships with local Lutherans and Christians who work for peace in the Holy Land with trip leaders who have a connection to our synod.

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OWLs Andrew Stutesman OWLs Andrew Stutesman

OWLs Post for May

In spite of weather that could not make up its mind if it was spring or winter the OWL’s had an active April. On April 7th we all headed to Sugar Creek for a fun day at Yesterday’s Youth. The lunch and musical entertainment were good, but the highlight of the day was Brian getting the Van stuck in the mud. Luckily no photos were taken. Our April potluck was delicious and well attended, followed by a wonderful Holy Wednesday service. Thank you to everyone who brought extra food to share.

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Young Youth, Announcements, Email Andrew Stutesman Young Youth, Announcements, Email Andrew Stutesman

Young Youth Update for May

I hope everyone had a beautiful Easter glorifying our Lord, spent with family and friends. Thank you to the youth that helped out with the pancake breakfast during Palm Sunday. A lot of people attended the breakfast and the help was greatly appreciated. We have many fun events coming up, so get the calendars out!!


We will be meeting at the church house for outdoor fun!...

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