Young Youth Update for May
“Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but be an example for other believers in your speech, behavior, love, faithfulness, and purity.”
I hope everyone had a beautiful Easter glorifying our Lord, spent with family and friends. Thank you to the youth that helped out with the pancake breakfast during Palm Sunday. A lot of people attended the breakfast and the help was greatly appreciated. We have many fun events coming up, so get the calendars out!!
We will be meeting at the church house for outdoor fun (weather permitting) or for a game night. It will take place May 22nd from 5:30-7:30. Come ready to have fun!!
The young youth will be going to Noah’s Ark in WI Dells. We will be going on Fri. June 13th. The park is open from 10am-6pm. Noah’s Ark provides “Youth Days” for groups at a really reasonable price. The cost is $18.50 plus tax for admission and a hot dog lunch. Everyone regardless of age is the same cost. Even though this is a youth event it will act more like a family outing. If there are any youth that absolutely can’t have an adult come let me know and we will work it out. We want everyone who would like to come to be able to participate.
We will be attending Sugar Creek’s Explorer Camp. Come for an exciting one-day adventure at Sugar Creek. Explore camp with games, nature time, crafts, swimming, a pony ride, Bible study, singing and more! The day runs from 9am-3pm. It costs $20 per camper which includes snacks and a lunch. First Lutheran will be going to this camp on Thurs. July 10th.
Due to busy summer schedules and getting ready for the beginning of school, the young youth will not be meeting in August. Instead, plan to have fun at VBS! (see below!)
I hope many of you will be able to make it to our up-coming events. Hopefully spring/summer will decide to show up so that we can enjoy our outdoor events! Pray, pray, pray for nice weather. Note that for Noah’s Ark and for Sugar Creek there are events made on the First Lutheran Facebook page. You just need to go to the Facebook page and click on events and if you’ll be coming, join—filling in the needed information. I look forward to seeing all you’re wonderful faces in May.
Katie :)