OWLs Post for May

In spite of weather that could not make up its mind if it was spring or winter the OWL’s had an active April. On April 7th we all headed to Sugar Creek for a fun day at Yesterday’s Youth. The lunch and musical entertainment were good, but the highlight of the day was Brian getting the Van stuck in the mud. Luckily no photos were taken. Our April potluck was delicious and well attended, followed by a wonderful Holy Wednesday service. Thank you to everyone who brought extra food to share.

Now that spring weather has finally arrived we are getting the itch to travel. So we will get things kicked off with a ROAD TRIP! On Monday May 5th we will have an awesome adventure to Spring Green, Wisconsin. After prerequisite stops for nature and coffee we will arrive in Spring Green to tour Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin Estate. Our tour is called “Life at Taliesin”. This one-hour tour examines the social history of life on the Taliesin Estate, as it unfolded throughout the 20th century and as it continues today and into the future. Winding our way through the Taliesin Estate by bus, we will arrive at the Hillside School, exploring the activities and lives of the people who have lived here over the years as you tour the interiors of this 1902 Wright structure. This tour gives a great overview of the estate with minimum stairs to walk. After Taliesin we will have lunch either at the Wright Visitor Center or one of the local establishments. Following lunch we will visit Wilson Creek Pottery. Wilson Creek is an active pottery studio and we will get a tour and possibly demonstrations by Ashley Pfannenstiel the artist/owner. We will leave the church at 8:30 AM on Monday, May 5th. Cost of the Taliesin Tour is $15 for seniors. There is no charge for Wilson Creek Pottery. Please let Brian Narveson know by Friday May 2nd if you are planning on attending. Reservations for the tour need to made ahead of time. We should be back at the church before 6 PM.

Keeping with the travel theme our potluck in May will feature Lori King from Travel Leaders in La Crosse. She will be discussing travel opportunities of seniors. Lori asks we bring plenty of questions about our travel wishes and concerns. Our potluck for May will be moved up one week to Wednesday, May 14th. This will allow Brian to join Mary in Colorado after the birth of their first granddaughter. We will meet in the Narthex at noon. Since Mary will already be in Colorado if a few of you could help Brian set up on the 14th that would be greatly appreciated.

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Car Wash and Bake Sale This Sunday!


Young Youth Update for May