Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave

Small Group Update for June 2015

Do you remember back when you were in confirmation? No, really. Think back. If you are like me, you have a few vague memories. Maybe you remember the retreat when the smoke from the fireplace backed up into the cabin and you had to evacuate, or you remember being nervous trying to memorize the Apostles Creed, quite sure you would never remember it all. Then you were confirmed and that was the end of your religious education. It’s not surprising then if you’ve forgotten most of what you learned about the Bible. You are not alone.

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Worshiping and Serving Together

My daughter, Sarah and I served food at the Salvation Army; we had a wonderful time, and I left feeling as if I had been in church worshiping. As we serve others, our serving becomes worship when it’s done with gladness. As we serve, we come into God’s presence. Serving and worshiping are intertwined When you do one, you are doing the other. When we serve by ushering, reading, serving communion, teaching, playing music and singing, we are really worshiping our God at the same time.

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OWLs, Newsletter Article Brian Narveson OWLs, Newsletter Article Brian Narveson

OWLs' Post for June 2015

May got us off to good warm weather start with our trip to Winona on the trolley and a fun potluck showing old photographs and telling stories of summers past. A good time and great food was had by all.

We will kick off June with the Potluck one week earlier than usual. Out potluck will be held on Wednesday June 10th, at noon in the fellowship hall. Our speaker for the program will be Gerald (Jerry) Bonsack a well-known photographer and Environmental Engineer in our area. Jerry recently returned from a cruise to Alaska where he used some exciting new photographic techniques to capture the glaciers and landscapes of the Alaskan cruise. If you are a photographer you will be interested in the techniques Jerry uses to capture the images in his program. If you are a travel enthusiast you can just sit back and enjoy the view with Jerry’s interesting insights. We will meet in the fellowship hall so we can view the presentation of the large screen.

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message From Pastor Stanton for May 2015

The month of May is typically set aside for First Lutheran celebrations; for graduates among us; for our Preschool at Springfest; our mothers on Mother’s Day; and our beloved war dead on Memorial Day. In May our choir sings their top 5 songs, our confirmands celebrate a year of instruction completed, and on May 24 we celebrate Pentecost (wear red!). In the wake of Easter, we live into abundant life in many ways.

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Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz

Message from Pastor Karyn for May 2015

When I was in seminary, while doing my Clinical Education one summer, I was introduced to the healing power of art. One whole day we spent creating art as we prayed, talking about how people could use art as a way to heal from trauma and as a way to connect with God. I was hooked. My primary paper in a class on prayer centered around how we pray using music and painting. I led youth and adults in a devotion that required them to paint images. Even as immersed in this thinking as I was, I never imagined that art would become for me the primary way I connect with my own self and with God. A little over a year ago, while in the midst of an intense week of Emotional Intelligence training, all I could think about was being in the Monet gallery at the Art Institute (I had just been there the previous October). It actually became a way for me to experience and process my learning. Monet’s haystacks became a symbol to breathe, to allow space for emotions, to connect on a deeper level with those around me. Thus began an ongoing engagement with art in a way that I had never imagined. There is one piece in particular that haunts me in a good and surprising way. Jackson Pollock’s Greyed Rainbow at first glance looks like a mess. It is one of his famous abstract paintings. You know, the kind that you look at and wonder how it is possible that this is hanging in a museum. Except, well, it is compelling in a way that other abstract paintings aren’t. Here is the description from the Art Institute gallery....

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Newsletter Article, Young Youth Beth Miller Newsletter Article, Young Youth Beth Miller

Young Youth Update for May 2015

I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the warmer weather we’ve been having. Spring is always an amazing time. We have new life in Jesus’ resurrection and we are reminded of this as we watch the buds on trees begin to form, flowers burst from the ground with renewed determination, the warmth of the sun on our faces and baby animals seem to appear everywhere. God graces us with so many gifts. It’s our job to slow down and recognize all the blessings that surround us. Our young youth group will be able to do just that. We will volunteer at Clearwater Farm where we’ll have opportunities to work with the animals and work in their garden, on Tuesday, May 26 from 5–7pm. RSVP on our Facebook event page.

Summer opportunities for the Young Youth....

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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for May 2015

The OWLs took advantage of the warm weather in April to make the drive to Sugar Creek for “Yesterday’s Youth.” We heard a great program by Dick Iverson about his travels with Habitat for Humanity. Dick took us to Portugal, Costa Rica and Nepal. We also enjoyed a nice lunch and musical program. The attached photo is of some of the group on the deck. The sun was shining, and the ride down and back along the river was beautiful, with many eagles sighted. For our potluck we enjoyed good food and a fun interactive discussion with Aliyah Richling about her teaching experiences at UWL…

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message From Pastor Stanton for April 2015

Since I was ordained in July of 2003 I have talked about sex more than I expected. In 2001 our voting members at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly adopted two resolutions:

  1. to study homosexuality with reference to two issues: the blessing of same-sex unions and the ordination, consecration and commissioning of people in committed same-sex unions and…
  2. to develop a social statement on sexuality.

Our churchwide study and discernment continued for eight years. A Task Force was formed who took their responsibility very seriously and devoted hundreds if not thousands of hours to their task in an effort to fairly represent the perspectives of a five million member Church.

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Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz Newsletter Article Karyn Bodenschatz

Message from Pastor Karyn for April 2015

I have been thinking about connections a lot lately. How relationships form, how faith grows and how God is tied to it all.

A month ago, a group of women gathered at Sugar Creek to talk about vocation. Sounds like a pretty dry topic and yet, through worship, conversation, sharing, learning, dancing and silence connections were made with one another and God and this seemingly dry topic became a dynamic vehicle of connection.

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Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave Newsletter Article, Small Groups Bridget Crave

Small Group Ministry Update

The story of Jesus doesn’t end with his death and resurrection. It continues in the lives of those who believe in him. Now that Lent is over and we have celebrated Easter, how will God continue to live in you?

If you were in a Lenten small group, you might be thinking, that was interesting and I’m enjoying getting to know these people. What’s next? Or, maybe you weren’t in a small group during Lent, but have been wondering what being part of a small group is all about. Maybe this is the time to dip your toe in the waters of a small group.

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Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson Newsletter Article, OWLs Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for April 2015

The OWLs March began with an exciting trip to the International Festival of Owls in Houston, Minnesota. Many of us got up early on a Saturday morning to experience a day of owls. We saw a very interesting program featuring a number of live rescue owls, learned about the owl art now on display around the town of Houston. Had an owl-themed lunch, saw a video on the Italian owls festival and bought owl souvenirs. You could easily say the day was a hoot….

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton


For what reason would God choose to be born as one of us just to suffer and die on a cross? He deserves none of the punishment you see on the Isaiah 53 column. And we deserve none of the rewards you see on the New Testament text column. To what purpose?…

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The Welcome Zone

Construction zones almost always try my patience. I diligently get in the correct lane, as soon as I see the sign and try to wait patiently. Almost always, though, there is someone who drives past all who are waiting, and not slowly, of course. When they get to the front of the line, then they slow down and turn their signal on, waiting for someone to let them in line. Just once I would love for them not to be able to get in line, but someone always lets them in, like me, because my conscious wouldn’t let me not do it. Sometimes it feels like a construction zone here for our visitors waiting patiently until someone welcomes them. If they are not welcomed, many will just leave thinking we are an unfriendly church. I have been told that several times in the past year, and it breaks my heart. I cannot talk to everyone by myself, before or after worship, so people get missed.…

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OWLs, Newsletter Article Brian Narveson OWLs, Newsletter Article Brian Narveson

OWLs Post for March 2015

The OWLs are a hearty bunch. In spite of subzero temperature, we gathered for our potluck on Ash Wednesday. Thanks to everyone who brought extra food to help feed the mid-day worshipers. After a fantastic lunch, we had a fun time learning about each other’s heritage. We found a great number of us are from Norwegian descent, but we also have a few Germans and some from England. A great time was had by all… just see the photos on the left!

For March we hope for warmer weather as we leave the confines of La Crosse for our outing. We will travel to Houston, Minnesota, on Saturday, March 7, to visit the International Owls Festival. 

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Newsletter Article Jason Stanton Newsletter Article Jason Stanton

Message From Pastor Stanton for February 2015

Last fall First Lutheran published a long-range Strategic Plan, set to begin January 1, 2015. In response to the plan, we have already hired Bridget Crave as our Director of Small Groups and Aliyah Richling as our Children’s Choir Director. A full time Youth Director position has been approved by our Finance Team (they believe we can afford it) and also by our Vision & Leadership Team (they agree that the vision for the congregation includes this position). A job description is almost complete, and we will begin searching in earnest by February 1. Other goals for this first quarter of 2015 include recruiting a Stewardship Action Team, a Community Outreach Action Team and Sanctuary Players—who are willing to do dramatic readings and skits in worship. In the second quarter of this year we hope to recruit Worship Directors, establish Hospitality Action Teams, recruit a Worship Action Team and create a Welcome Basket Team

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