Summer, Another Season for Small Groups

Do you have big plans for the summer? Do they include your spiritual growth? Whether you have the summer off of work, need an occasional break from kid activities, or just want to do something new, summer is a great time to join with a group of fellow church members for fun, fellowship, caring conversations and study. In other words, summer is a great time to be part of a small group.

Why join a small group? It’s a great way to connect with members of the congregation. If you’ve been wanting to feel more a part of the congregation beyond worship, or get to know some other folks who can walk with you on your spiritual path, being part of a small group will help.

This summer, First will offer some new small groups starting in June (after Sunday School is finished), running through July. In May you will have the opportunity to sign up for groups including Family Fun, Food and Fun, Serving Others, along with the traditional spiritual growth study. Start thinking about what you might be interested in doing. If you have other ideas, I’d love to talk to you.


Message from Pastor Karyn for May 2015


Pancake Breakfast Thank You