Growing by Serving
Spring flowers are popping out and blooming all over. Since April, we have had in our yard white snowdrops blooming, the first to bloom after the snow is gone. Then purple crocus’ are next and then the yellow daffodils. It just amazes me to see the flowers coming out of the ground, pushing up and growing green and strong. The colorful blooms create such beauty. The warm sunshine, water and God’s miracle of creation allows the flowers to grow so that we can thank and praise God for the beauty of his creation.
“Not only do these children show the joy of being children of God, they spread that joy with those they serve with.”
Just as beautiful, is seeing people grow in Christ by serving others. The satisfaction and joy they have in their spirit is wonderful to see. This is most obvious in the children who serve as ushers, greeters and acolytes. The younger they are, the more joy they exhibit in their faces as they serve God. These children are growing in Christ, by serving others, and my hope is that they will continue all through their lives. Not only do these children show the joy of being children of God, they spread that joy with those they serve with. Just look at the young children as they carry the basket for communion; the joy on their faces is priceless. Each of us can experience that same joy. All we need to do is help serve those around us and within the church. Ushering, greeting, reading, serving communion, projection, just to name a few, are wonderful ways to serve and grow. When we serve, we are growing in Christ. Colossians 1:10 says, “so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God.” Growing in knowledge and good works go hand in hand; doing them together is pleasing to God.
Spring is a wonderful time of year; new growth is happening all over, and we get to see the wonder of God’s creative hand. Let each of us grow this spring into a closer relationship with God by joyfully serving within our church. May we exhibit the joy of Christ as we serve; letting those around us see God’s growth in our lives. Grow and bloom within our church; don’t just stay in the pew, dormant, but let God’s knowledge lead you to serve doing good works and bearing fruit. May the joy of the Spirit show within our lives and faces as we serve God by serving others. If you need help to decide how you want to serve, receiving joy, I am here to help you. Talk to me after worship, e-mail me at, or call me at church. I would love to have a conversation with you and help you feel more comfortable about serving.
Photo by mclcbooks on Flickr