First Teen Clothes Closet Update for May 2015

We have a new name, but our mission is the same: serve our teen community in need. We have free, gently used teen clothing, including jeans, dresses, hoodies, shoes, shorts, dress shirts, dress pants, ties, purses, hats, athletic wear, toiletries and more.

Our store is located behind the church on the second floor of “The House”, 203 4th Avenue South, Onalaska. Appointments to shop can be made through the church office at (608) 783-2236. We have new brochures, posters and business cards that are ready to go into the community so more people know we are here. Also, look for articles in local newspapers and magazines about First Teen Clothes Closet in the months to come.

Over the next several weeks, we will be changing our fall/winter clothing for spring/summer wear. Involving our youth in this ministry is important. We now have a sign posted on the clothes closet door listing the tasks that need to be done. A confirmation class sorted and helped organize clothes during their class time last Sunday.

We so appreciate the ways First Lutheran members have supported us with this ministry. There are many ways you can continue to support First Teen Clothes Closet. Please keep us in your prayers, volunteer, and contribute money for toiletries and undergarments. Thank you!

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Growing by Serving


Young Youth Update for May 2015