Worshiping and Serving Together
My daughter, Sarah and I served food at the Salvation Army; we had a wonderful time, and I left feeling as if I had been in church worshiping. As we serve others, our serving becomes worship when it’s done with gladness. As we serve, we come into God’s presence. Serving and worshiping are intertwined When you do one, you are doing the other. When we serve by ushering, reading, serving communion, teaching, playing music and singing, we are really worshiping our God at the same time.
“We cannot have the mindset that the only way to worship is to sit in a pew during church. Wherever we serve, we are worshiping God. ”
We cannot have the mindset that the only way to worship is to sit in a pew during church. Wherever we serve, we are worshiping God. Our world and church would be so different if we took this to heart. When we are serving, our attitude should be one of worshiping God because of all He has done for us. “Worship the LORD with gladness, come into his presence with singing.” Psalm 100:2, in the New Revised Standard Version while “Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing” in the King James Version. In Psalm 100:2, the word “worship” and “serve” are used interchangeable in the same verse. “Worship” is found in the New Revised Standard Version and the New International Version. “Serve” is found in the King James Version, Revised Standard Version and the Amplified Version. Serve is found in more versions than worship. This doesn’t surprise me because that is what we are called to do; serve. Since God is always with us, each act of service to others is an act of worship to Him. What joy there is in serving others and knowing that God accepts our service as worship. I believe that God wants our service much more than he wants our sitting in church. God wants us to be his hands and feet to those around us. Please never think that you are not needed; your help is always needed here at church and wherever you may be.
I love it when our ushers are singing as they help with doors or handing out bulletins. When younger ones help usher, they even dance in the aisle or sway to the music it makes me smile. When communion servers beam as they hand out communion, or our coffee servers laugh and smile making sure everyone is served, I am sure God is smiling. When I hear how the small group guides have been faithfully impacted by these young people, my heart soars knowing God is at work in these young lives. When a hug, a smile, a touch, a listening ear was so greatly appreciated, this is when you see God’s hands and feet. Be a part of this great worship/service of God. Begin serving in some way at church. Training is always available for all areas. Just ask; I would love to help you get started. Talk to me after worship, e-mail me at kathryn@firstlu.org, or call me at church.