Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Andrew Stutesman

Listening Hospitality

I was bagging up my groceries the other day, when I overheard a conversation between a mom and her son. The son kept asking “why?” with every answer the mom gave. Parents have all been in that situation. I tried to encourage her and let her know that it is exhausting answering all their questions and trying to come up with answers that the child can understand. I hope that she knew I was sympathetic toward her and that just knowing someone had listened and understood what she was going through was helpful.

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

A Fiesta of Thankfulness

It’s so much fun to gather together for a celebration, whether it’s a graduation, a wedding, a birthday, an anniversary, or just for no reason at all. I love people gathering together to talk, eat and play games. Graduation parties are the best: seeing family and the graduate’s friends together, each party reflecting the graduates personality. Gathering family and friends for a wedding is especially fun with dancing, eating and, of course, the cake. Each gathering is unique but meaningful in many ways.

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Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Making God’s Love Known

As I walked into a crowded room, I didn’t know where the person I was looking for was. My heart beat faster, I quickly scanned the room, as people looked at me, wondering who I was. I was unknown, but then my friend found me, calling me by name. I had become known. Have you ever experienced this, people wondering who you are, looking at you, but then looking away not bothering to help. What if this happened here at First Lutheran Church, where we are all too busy to notice or just not care that someone looks lost.

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Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

All Hands on Deck

Summer is almost here! The weather is starting to get warmer and we are beginning to think about all the things we would like to do during summer. As a family, we love to take out our small boat to a sandbar and enjoy the sun and water while my husband fishes. When our girls were young it was essential that they had a job to do while we were getting the boat in the water. I would hold the rope while Perry put it in the water and he would park the truck and trailer. We would have the girls stand off to the side away from all other traffic, holding our very excited dog, who was a lab and loved the water. Each of us had a job and it was all hands on deck as we would get ready to go out on the water. I must say it went smoothly because all knew what they were supposed to do.

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Called By Name

As a mom, many times I was called Sarah’s mom or LeAnn’s mom. I really didn’t mind and I still don’t mind being associated with my daughters. Still, it is nice to be called by your name and not a title. It’s also nice to call someone by name and be able to introduce people to one another by name.  I really feel bad when I don’t remember someone’s name or think I should know it but the name will not come to mind. Names are so important, and I am so glad God helps me to remember as many names as I do. I know I couldn’t do it without him. Remembering new names takes me a while and I most always need to be reminded a couple of times before names stick in my brain. That is why name tags are so helpful at church. We can more easily remember others’ names by putting a name and a face together when we only see a name printed somewhere. God calls us each by name, so I feel it’s so important to do the same.  

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Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Radiating Warmth

One of my favorite things about winter is having a cup of hot chocolate in a large mug I can wrap my hands around. Sitting by the window watching it snow with the mug radiating warmth and me curled up under a blanket is so calming and relaxing. It would be great if everyone who comes into our church would feel that way. A warm place to be, someplace where everyone is welcomed. We all can make this happen if each one of us does our part.

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

God's Hands & Feet

This time of the year is when many of us open our homes to family and friends. I love hosting Thanksgiving. Opening my house to loved ones is a great joy for me. The smell of a turkey roasting, making the whole house smell so good and knowing our guests will be arriving soon brings me happiness. Greeting family as they come into the door, helping them with the food they brought, getting everything ready to sit down and share a meal together is a wonderful feeling. It’s also fun to go to someone else’s house, where you are greeted warmly. I always seem to find myself helping in the kitchen. That’s just my thing; give me something to help with and I am happy. Welcoming others and being welcomed is a wonderful privilege to do and to have done to you. That is what we want to accomplish here at First Lutheran.

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article, -Email Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article, -Email Kathryn Pedretti

Helpful Welcoming

As I was in Office Depot this past summer, I just needed some time to look and think about a project I was working on. Unfortunately, the people working were very helpful and almost every aisle I went down someone asked me if I needed help. Usually I like being asked if I need help because I usually do need help, but not this time. This time I just wanted to be by myself to think and work things out in my mind without interruptions. This may be what it is like for our visitors; they may not want a bunch of information or handouts. Sometimes all they want is one or two of their questions answered.

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Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Andrew Stutesman Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Andrew Stutesman

Junk Drawer

I loved my grandparents’ junk drawer; it had an old pair of scissors, rubber bands that usually were so old they broke, bread ties galore, plus a small hammer among other things. Every house has a junk drawer, usually in the kitchen. Ours is, but maybe yours is in the laundry room, or mud room. It’s filled with things you don’t use very often, like bag ties, screwdriver, both flat head and phillips, a hammer, nails, screws, which my husband has in baby food jars, koozies, rubber bands, an odd button, a broken part of a toy, among others things. We are very fortunate to live where we have a surplus and our needs are easily supplied. We know that others are not so fortunate and live in places where daily needs are not met and where sending your child to school, can’t be done without the supplies needed.

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Just Duckie!

Rubber duckies seem to make everyone smile. My girls loved them at bathtime, playing with them in the water with or without bubbles. Such a simple design and color makes so many people happy. When I made the decision to make Rubber Duckies my theme for the Volunteer Appreciation Picnic, everyone on staff smiled and laughed. I knew then that this would be a fun happy picnic.

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Grow: Focusing on Christ

pring is one of my favorite times of the year. I love seeing people getting outside to walk, run and bike. I love being outside as the weather turns warm. I enjoy giving my attention to the growing plants—cleaning up around them, transplanting overgrown ones or trimming them back, knowing they will flourish better once the work is done. I know that as I put the work into my garden, it’s worth the effort and time, as I see the plants growing and blooming.

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Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Warming Welcoming

After a few years away from a Bible study I had gone to before, I was warmly welcomed back with hugs, smiles and many saying, “It’s so good to see you.” When you are greeted with warm cookies and coffee as you check into a hotel, it makes you feel special and appreciated. These are the things you remember and make you want to go back. I want every person coming into our church to have that same feeling of being warmly welcomed, special and appreciated. It would be so nice to see people greeting each other, helping young moms with children and helping those with walkers or wheelchairs. I desire a place where visitors can go to get information and a gift to welcome them to our church.

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Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Rooted and Grounded

Several years ago, I bought a crabapple tree in late September. We planted it in the front yard, and I started watering until the ground froze, just like the nursery had told me. All winter long I wondered if the tree would survive the cold and bud out in the spring. I was so happy that it did; the leaves budded out, and we had little flowers of pink everyplace. It was just lovely. The tree has grown over the years and has been a home for robins in the summer and food for birds in the winter. We have enjoyed the tree very much since we planted it.

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Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Welcome One Another

Whenever I go over to my brother’s house, I am welcomed warmly by a big bear hug from him; of course,this is only after getting through the maze of dogs wanting to be loved on. These dogs include Grizzy: a very large black Newfoundland, who loves to sit on my feet as I pet and scratch his ears. Grizzy leans into me as I pet him and seems to always stand between me and my brother. Being warmly welcomed into a home or any building creates a loving atmosphere, so you will want to return. Knowing that my brother and his dogs will be happy to greet me, makes me want to return to visit them again.

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Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Newsletter Article, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Christmas Lights

Christmas lights are everywhere in December, they are in and on homes, at the mall, on the street posts and even in our parks. Driving through lighted neighborhoods is something I enjoy this time of year. Seeing how people decorate their homes is alway fun. Some homes decorate extensively, others just right and some just a little bit. I love seeing all the lights of Christmas. My favorite show is going to the Rotary Lights and slowly driving through looking at all the wonderful light displays. Seeing Christmas tree lights in the windows of homes is another favorite of mine. Looking at my own Christmas tree with it all lit up, when it’s dark outside and the TV is off and I can just enjoy this simple pleasure of lights.

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

God's Model

y daughters have dressed up for Halloween since their first trick or treating adventure. They have been Disney princesses, woodland fairies, characters from movies, books and TV shows. Each one plans her costume, consults with the other sister and makes their costumes on their own, sometimes with a little help from mom. My girls have such fun being creative and enjoy the time they get to spend with each other. It would be so nice if we could just put on a certain outfit and become a model for Christ, but it doesn’t work that way.

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Pencil Me In

I remember the days when my daughters where in school. It was so exciting getting everything ready for the new school year: new clothes, new shoes, new school supplies. My girls would line up all their school supplies in their rooms for a month before school started. Then, when we got the school calendar and other events calendars, we would mark everything down on our family calendar. I would have a different color for everyone: LeAnn would be red, Sarah green, I would be pink, and Perry would be blue. I would mark down everything, so nothing was missed. Church worship and activities were so important to us, and we would try not to miss anything. I know we get so busy that sometimes we forget how important it is to pencil in serving at church.

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Serve & Give, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti Serve & Give, God's Hands & Feet Kathryn Pedretti

Thanks to God

During last year’s volunteer picnic, the hamburger patties and chicken were cooking on the grill, root beer floats were being served up by our own Pastor Karyn, and everyone was enjoying fellowship with one another. It was a perfect day to grill out and come together to show our thanks for all the hard work our congregation does throughout the year. This annual event is the staff’s way to say thank you for all the help we receive. We rely on so many people to help the ongoing ministries happen, and everyone’s help in needed in small and big ways to keep Faith Alive here at First....

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Called to Freedom

The fourth of July is a fun family holiday, The kids get to play with fire, worried parents get to watch and almost everyone loves the fireworks display of brilliant colors. People are wearing red, white and blue, having family picnics and going early to get their favorite spot to watch the fireworks. We have a wonderful way to celebrate our freedom...

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God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti God's Hands & Feet, Newsletter Article Kathryn Pedretti

Worshiping and Serving Together

My daughter, Sarah and I served food at the Salvation Army; we had a wonderful time, and I left feeling as if I had been in church worshiping. As we serve others, our serving becomes worship when it’s done with gladness. As we serve, we come into God’s presence. Serving and worshiping are intertwined When you do one, you are doing the other. When we serve by ushering, reading, serving communion, teaching, playing music and singing, we are really worshiping our God at the same time.

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