Just Duckie!
Rubber duckies seem to make everyone smile. My girls loved them at bathtime, playing with them in the water with or without bubbles. Such a simple design and color makes so many people happy. When I made the decision to make Rubber Duckies my theme for the Volunteer Appreciation Picnic, everyone on staff smiled and laughed. I knew then that this would be a fun happy picnic.
“Volunteer Appreciation Picnic
When: Sun., July 24
Where: Rowe Park
Shelter #1
RSVP: 1stlu.org/vap”
The Volunteer Appreciation Picnic is the church staff’s way to say thank you for all our volunteers do throughout the year. We so appreciate our volunteers, those who step up last minute to help and those who are counted on continually week after week. We give thanks for those who help out once in the year, once a month, every other month, once a week, or just whenever. The more people helping the better. I could list and list people who have helped, but I would be so sad if I had missed anyone, so I just want to say thank you to everyone who has volunteered. As 2 Thessalonians 2:13 says, “But we must always give thanks to God for you, brothers and sisters beloved by the Lord” You are not only beloved by the Lord, but by me. I truly give thanks to God for you and my love for you in Christ is heartfelt. Because so many of you sign up on a regular basis, my heart sings with joy. When someone helps for the very first time, I practically get giddy with happiness. As you can tell, it doesn’t take much to make me happy and all of you who volunteer, you make me happy.
I could go on and on about all the ways that seeing all of you volunteers makes me happy. Like seeing young families usher, or serve coffee, young children ushering, reading, acolyting, or carrying the basket for communion. I just can’t help being thankful for everyone who helps out at church. I love seeing the children run up and down the aisles getting change for World Hunger Sundays. I love seeing our more mature members helping with confirmation, or doing what they can when they can. Seeing moms and dads helping with the young ones during VBS and in Sunday School. Every time someone signs up to help online, or on the sheet being passed around in church, it makes me happy and I smile..
I hope that you will join us on Sunday, July 24, from noon to 2 pm at Rowe Park, shelter #1, so that we can say thank you for all your help at church. Come see all the Rubber Duckies and watch or participate in the games we will play. Join in the wonderful conversation and laughter of watching the kids play duck, duck, douse in the park, along with some great food. If you haven’t signed up yet, e-mail me at kathryn@firstlu.org, or see me between or after worship so I can get you signed up for this wonderful, fun filled picnic..