Christmas Lights
Christmas lights are everywhere in December, they are in and on homes, at the mall, on the street posts and even in our parks. Driving through lighted neighborhoods is something I enjoy this time of year. Seeing how people decorate their homes is alway fun. Some homes decorate extensively, others just right and some just a little bit. I love seeing all the lights of Christmas. My favorite show is going to the Rotary Lights and slowly driving through looking at all the wonderful light displays. Seeing Christmas tree lights in the windows of homes is another favorite of mine. Looking at my own Christmas tree with it all lit up, when it’s dark outside and the TV is off and I can just enjoy this simple pleasure of lights.
“Matthew 5:16 says, “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” I hope you will find a way to let your light shine this Christmas season.”
Watching the Advent wreath candles being lit at church and in our home is always special. Seeing families light the Advent wreath at church is so nice, seeing Christ’s light shine through them as they serve is wonderful to witness. People pouring over the giving tree, trying to decide who they want to buy is exciting to watch, It’s fun to see the Sunday School classes come to the giving tree too, as the teachers and helpers try to get the kids to decide what tag to choose. Bringing socks for the sock tree, which goes to New Horizons, always amazes me, from just a few socks to many hanging on the branches and on the floor. These are ways our light shines this season. From singing carols at Onalaska Care Center and senior apartments, to helping serve on Christmas Eve and day, to helping make cookies, to ushering and serving coffee during these busy Sundays, are encouraged to let our light shine. Matthew 5:16 says, “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” I hope you will find a way to let your light shine this Christmas season. When you are asked to help out at church, be generous in giving and say “yes.”
Letting our light shine before others is what we are called to do. Take some time to consider how you will let your light shine this Christmas season. Plan on helping at church on Sundays, on Wednesdays, or Christmas Eve or day. Mark on your calendars the things you want to participate in like baking cookies for caroling, going caroling with family or friends, getting a tag off the giving tree or bringing in some socks for the sock tree. We have so many ways to let our light shine, so let’s not let any opportunity pass us by, but let us continually shine Christ’s light in us to those around us. If you need help shining your light, let me know; I will be glad to help you find ways to serve others. E-mail me at or give me a call at church.