Thank Yous

Thank you blood donors & volunteers!

We had another successful blood drive at First Lutheran on Monday, Nov. 2. We collected 39 units of whole blood and 4 double red donations. Up to 125 people in our community will benefit from your generous giving. Our next blood drive is scheduled for Tuesday, March 8, 2016, from 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.


I want to thank all of the donors who have returned time after time to donate their blood. Thousands of people over the last 11 years have received the blood products they need to be strong and healthy. I appreciate your willingness to make this lifesaving service to others happen!

I am stepping down as the blood drive coordinator to go back to work, but the position has been filled by Diane Shuda. She is a retired RN and a member of our church. Some of you may have met her at the November drive. She is going to be great and I know you will all enjoy working with her as I have done in the last few months.

I have enjoyed getting to know all of you over the years. I will probably stop by a drive now and then or even volunteer to help out.

God’s blessings to all of you and keep donating the gift of life!

Sara Larkin

Andrew Stutesman
Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Update from Global Missions for December 2015


Christmas Lights