Faith Spiral
The faith spiral seen through First Lutheran reminds us and returns us to our call as Christians to serve one another. During our Year of Service and Fellowship at First Lutheran we are raising awareness of this symbol and its circles, and then calling our members to answer their baptismal call by finding ways to serve each of these circles.
FAQs from Cottage Meetings
I’m using my newsletter this month to continue the conversations we had through cottage meetings. Something like a dozen meetings happened with anywhere from five to thirty participants each. In all, about 100 members took the time to hear more about the Plan and take the time to ask their questions. Thank you to those who participated! For those who were unable, I’ve included some of the most common comments and questions below....
Message From Pastor Karyn for December 2014
It isn’t even Thanksgiving yet, but the planning for Advent has begun and this ancient song has been ringing in my head for several days now. Come Immanuel. It is the prayer that we speak during the Advent season as we wait. Come Immanuel we say, hoping for Christ’s peace to come. Come Immanuel, God among us, come and bring your love, peace, wisdom to our lives, our world. It is a prayer that rings out across the world as people seek relief from hunger, war, political unrest, abuse, fear, anger, [insert your burden here]. And every day, God answers the people’s prayers....
Sunday School Update for December 2014
It is that time of year to enjoy traditions that the Christmas season brings. One of our Christmas traditions we are busy preparing for here at First Lutheran is our Sunday school Christmas Worship. It is a wonderful time of year and a great way for our kids to spread their Christmas joy! Below are some of the details that will hopefully help clarify any questions you may have. Please pay particular attention to the details for each age group on December 17th!...
Young Youth Update for December 2014
Meet at the church on Dec. 13th from 2:30–4pm down in the Fellowship Hall to decorate Christmas cookies. The cookies will be handed out as gifts to the residents that we visit when the church goes caroling on Dec. 14th at 5pm. Parents are more then welcome, even encouraged, to attend the cookie decorating event!
OWLs Posting for December 2014
The cold weather did not slow the OWL’s down in November. On Friday Nov. 7th we (27 of us) took the opportunity for a Friday night out. It started with a great dinner at the Westview Inn and ended with a fun Las Vegas style show featuring the “Phat Pack” at the Heider Center in West Salem. A great time was had by all....
A Christmas Welcome
As a little girl, I remember going to my mother’s parents for Christmas. The house was filled with family: my plump, white haired great-grandmother sitting in the kitchen, my aunts and uncles all over the place, and lots of my cousins everywhere. We were welcomed with noisy love and warmth. When we would go to my father’s parents for Christmas, it was much quieter: my grandparents, my parents, my brother, my great uncle, and my slim, gray haired great grandmother sitting in her chair in the living room. We were welcomed into a home filled with a quiet love of hugs, kisses and tender talks. These are my most precious memories, different but the same: Welcome and love flowed through these homes....