Young Youth Update for December 2014
“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Come and Decorate Christmas Cookies!!!!
Meet at the church on Dec. 13th from 2:30–4pm down in the Fellowship Hall to decorate Christmas cookies. The cookies will be handed out as gifts to the residents that we visit when the church goes caroling on Dec. 14th at 5pm. Parents are more then welcome, even encouraged, to attend the cookie decorating event!
What to look forward to:
- MP3 night (movie, pj’s, popcorn, pizza) in January
- Winter Fun Days at Sugar Creek in February
We’ve had an amazing turnout for the last couple of events. Thank you so much for making our group a priority and allowing me to share Christ with your child. The children have done a wonderful job of serving others!!
Katie Everson
Young Youth is a group for youth in grades 2–5. For information contact Katie Everson, our Young Youth Coordinator.