Staying Connected
Many Lent small groups connected over the internet the last half of March using a group conferencing software called Zoom. The first week my small group connected, you could feel the relief and joy everyone in the group felt at seeing each other’s faces and hearing everyone’s voice. As you have probably figured out by now, being able to connect with others, even if not physically, is good for heart and soul…
Announcements for Sunday, Mar. 29, 2020
NOTE: Since we are not worshipping in-person, we are not printing paper bulletins, and in turn not creating a PDF of the publication. All current announcements are listed below.
COVID-19 Message from Pastor Stanton, Mar. 24
With Governor Evers issuing a “Safer at Home” order, we have now reached stage 3. This is the complete shutdown of the building except for an ‘essential’ staff person to ensure the proper function of the building, which is allowed through the order…
COVID-19 Message from Pastor Stanton, Mar. 18
Today, our staff and leaders are reluctant to move us fully into stage 3 of our pandemic protocol which would completely lock down the building to all staff and groups. But we do believe we need to move into a sort of “Stage 2.5” where staff work from home, we end all church-related small group gatherings of any number, suspend funerals and weddings, and limit visitors to couriers who deliver packages…
COVID-19 Message from Pastor Stanton, Mar. 13
On Thursday, March 12, First Lutheran’s Vision & Leadership Team met to consider cancelling worship gatherings for this Sunday, March 15, in response to the public health crisis caused by COVID-19. Unanimously, we agreed that the suspension of Sunday and Wednesday worship gatherings is sad and yet warranted…