Staying Connected

Many Lent small groups connected over the internet the last half of March using a group conferencing software called Zoom. The first week my small group connected, you could feel the relief and joy everyone in the group felt at seeing each other’s faces and hearing everyone’s voice. As you have probably figured out by now, being able to connect with others, even if not physically, is good for heart and soul.

Year-round small groups are continuing to use Zoom so they can stay in touch while keeping themselves safe at home. Zoom is easy to use and provides an opportunity to talk with a group of people and if users choose, see each other with the camera on your smartphone, laptop or tablet. Even if you don’t have Wifi, you can connect by phone and listen and participate in the discussion. The church has purchased a license so that we can all stay connected. It’s easy to use. Let me know if you want to connect with a group, and I will help get you set up.


Questions about Zoom? Contact Community Impact Director
, Bridget Crave, using the form below…


Wilderness Walk


Good News for Apr. 2020 (Safer-At-Home Edition)